Christian Preacher: Jesus Walked Behind Me During a Sermon (and There’s Video) November 23, 2021

Christian Preacher: Jesus Walked Behind Me During a Sermon (and There’s Video)

Nebraska preacher and false prophet Hank Kunneman of One Voice Ministries has spent the past several years just spreading lies, predominantly about the 2020 election, which he claims “was, in fact, stolen” (it absolutely was not).

But over the weekend, he spread a different sort of lie: That Jesus was literally in the room with him.

Here are two separate clips, the first from Sunday in which he talks about how Jesus came on stage right behind him… and the second from Friday in which we can see that incident unfold in real time.

SUNDAY: … In fact, there was such an anointing that came on Friday night, and as I was praying that afternoon, I said, “Lord, I just want You to do something that… You validate what You’ve given to me.” And all of a sudden, as I was standing there on Friday night, I literally saw, out of the corner of my eye, a human figure wearing a robe walk right around me. I knew it wasn’t an angel. And I could see a beard and a mustache as it went fast, and it was Jesus. And I stopped, and I said, “Jesus, you’re here!” And you could feel the atmosphere immediately shifted…

FRIDAY: … So the anointing of preservation is upon you. Now how do we know when the glory shows up that God — man, there’s something moving around me… that’s… Wow! I don’t care if you saw that. I just saw somebody standing right here. Maybe it’s the Lord Himself. Come on, Jesus

I’m telling you, I felt Him right here. I’m serious! My whole being started shaking. I could feel it on my left side. Well, Jesus, You’re welcome here…

Uh-huh. Sure. It was totally Jesus. Not just a quick burst of air that anyone might feel in any kind of auditorium.

It’s one thing to feel that air. It’s another to jump to the most illogical conclusion imaginable and then sell it as fact to the most gullible audience imaginable. No one in that crowd is ever going to challenge what Kunneman is saying because they unfortunately trust him. They have no clue he takes advantage of their trust by telling them lie after lie after lie. He doesn’t care. As long as his followers remain in place and the money keeps flowing, there’s no reason to be honest.

(Thanks to Kyle for the link)

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