Right-Wing Activist Who Said He Was “Vaccinated in Christ” Dies of COVID October 10, 2021

Right-Wing Activist Who Said He Was “Vaccinated in Christ” Dies of COVID

Sometime last week, a man named Pete Coulson died of COVID at age 67. He had spent three weeks in a hospital struggling to breathe and his body finally gave out.

He wasn’t vaccinated. Of course he wasn’t vaccinated. He told his buddies that “he was vaccinated in Christ”… which is a cute way of telling people you’re an idiot.

His death shouldn’t come as a surprise, though, because Coulson spent the final months of his life participating in a different kind of misinformation campaign. In June, Coulson was appointed to a “task force” spearheaded by Idaho’s Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin to weed out “left-leaning curricula in Idaho’s K-12 public schools.”

The whole task force was a farce because this idea of left-wing indoctrination in public schools is just a conspiracy dreamed up by Republicans who can’t handle factual or challenging information — especially in history classes — and the people on the task force had no real qualifications. In fact, Coulson replaced someone else who resigned after the first meeting, citing a “lack of education professionals” and “partisan campaigning.” Coulson’s background in education was unclear, but he was a political ally of McGeachin’s. So there you go.

McGeachin has made a name for herself trashing state and local COVID restrictions (while holding up a Bible and a gun). Just last month, she claimed that vaccinated people “may be significantly worse off health-wise”… which is obviously a lie.

So in summary, McGeachin is an anti-vaxxer MAGA cultist who loves engaging in right-wing conspiracy theories, and Coulson was one of her stooges who believed all the bullshit she was selling.

Now he’s dead.

And McGeachin curiously ignored the cause of death in a brief statement acknowledging his passing:

McGeachin did not have any details on Coulson’s death as of Thursday, her chief of staff Jordan Watters said.

“I am deeply saddened at the loss of Pete Coulson, as I’m sure everyone in (the) Treasure Valley is,” McGeachin wrote in a prepared statement Thursday. “He was loved by everyone who knew him, and he will be greatly missed. I’m praying for his family.”

Memo to other Republican anti-vaxxers: The Republicans you worship don’t give a shit about you. Your death won’t change their tactics. They’re going to keep lying because all they care about is amassing power, knowing there’s an audience of morons ready and willing to embrace everything they say.

Coulson never figured that out. It’s not too late for the rest of you.

(via Joe. My. God. Screenshot via YouTube)

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