COVID-Denying SC School Board Member Charged with Leaving Great-Grandkids in Car September 12, 2021

COVID-Denying SC School Board Member Charged with Leaving Great-Grandkids in Car

Last week, I posted about how the Dorchester District 2 School Board in South Carolina had voted for a district-wide quarantine because too many students and teachers had tested positive for COVID (or had close contact with someone who did). It was a difficult move but it was undoubtedly the responsible thing to do.

One board member who opposed the quarantine, though, was Barbara Crosby, who at one point stormed out of the meeting. She wanted in-person schooling no matter what. And during an interview with a local news reporter, she said she wasn’t worried about potential COVID risks because “God decides who lives and dies.”

It was a complete abdication of responsibility — and of course religion was involved.

But before any conservative Christians start treating Crosby like a hero, they should be aware of what’s been happening over the past week.

It turns out that, during the same board meeting that Crosby barged out of because she opposed the quarantine, she left her great grandchildren sitting in the car. Not accidentally, either. It’s just something she did because — as everyone suspected — she has no concern for anyone but herself:

The sheriff’s office investigation started when a deputy at the district heard loud banging from the door of the center, and when he opened the door, Crosby entered the building and said she was late. The sheriff’s office report states that Crosby told the deputy that she left her car in the parking lot with her 4-year-old and 9-year-old grandchildren inside the vehicle.

DCSO officials said that Crosby also informed a district security officer who then told Crosby she could not leave the children in the car. According to the report, Crosby proceeded past him and into the board room while directing the security officer “to go watch them.”

Crosby treated those cops like free on-demand babysitters! And then, when officers went to the running car and removed the kids and offered to bring them inside the building, the older child said they couldn’t do that because they had been exposed to COVID. (Surprise! The conservative Christian who wants to put everyone in danger was doing that very thing herself.)

The kids’ mother soon picked them up and officers chose not to place the kids into protective custody… but an investigation began into whether any crimes were committed.

Guess what? The answer is yes. And now Crosby will have to pay a price for her utter stupidity.

A Dorchester District 2 school board member charged with leaving her two great grandchildren in the car received a $25,000 PR bond on Friday after surrendering to deputies.

Barbara Crosby was charged with two counts of unlawful conduct to a child and one count of statutory misconduct in office. She was given a $10,000 bond for the unlawful conduct to a child charges, and a $5,000 bond for the statutory misconduct in office charge.

Crosby is a Christian menace to society. She put her own family members in danger. She wanted to put students and teachers in danger. She had the audacity to run for the school board as if her ideas should ever be taken seriously. And people elected her! When your brain is this broken, you shouldn’t be making decisions for anybody much less an entire school system.

It’s not clear if the school board can do anything right now — at least not until she’s found guilty. Her next court date isn’t until November. But if this is what it takes to remove her from the board, so be it. It’s fortunate no one got hurt as a result of her negligence. Now it’ll be up to local residents to make sure someone like her — a Christian zealot who no respect for anyone else — never gets elected to a position of power ever again.

(Thanks to everyone for the link)

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