Anti-Vaxxer Minister Cancels “Prophetic Mentoring Weekend” After Catching COVID August 18, 2021

Anti-Vaxxer Minister Cancels “Prophetic Mentoring Weekend” After Catching COVID

Two months ago, in late June, “prophetic minister” Wanda Alger urged her followers to reject COVID vaccines because she believed they were part of some “demonic conspiracy.”

That seems worth mentioning since Alger just announced that her upcoming “Prophetic Mentoring Weekend” will have to be canceled due to a COVID outbreak. But don’t worry! She’s taking care of herself with things… that aren’t vaccines.

Due to a sudden surge of Covid and other related illnesses in our congregation, we’re having to cancel our upcoming Prophetic Mentoring Weekend that was to start this Thursday, August 19. This was a really difficult decision to make, but we knew we had no other option…

I, myself, got hit over the weekend and have been focusing on recovery (I am taking ivermectin along with extra doses of Vitamins C, D, and zinc.) I am praying for speedy healing and restoration! Please pray for our middle son, Nathan, who is also sick and has a highly compromised immune system. He has been dealing with Lyme’s disease for the past three years and is concerned how his body is going to handle this. His doctor is prescribing the same thing I am taking, so we are hoping for the best. Pray for his peace of mind, especially, as he has been given to panic attacks in past years.

Thank you so much for your ongoing support, encouragement, and inspiring comments:-). Once I feel better, I do have some things to share from the Lord concerning the global situation. In the meantime, it’s evident the devil is on a rampage with this virus. Let’s stand strong against his schemes and declare the blood of Jesus over all!

I want to make a joke about how the so-called “prophet” couldn’t even predict the most obvious thing in the world, but I’m just angry that she’s putting her immunocompromised son in a position to suffer because of her own irresponsible anti-vaxxer decisions.

It’s not the first time she’s been utterly wrong about something. In 2016, Alger insisted that belief in the Christian God was vital to any elected official: “It is the fear of the Lord that needs to grip the hearts and minds of those in public office.” But by 2019, when Donald Trump was president, she had changed her mind:

… We must continue to pray that all our elected officials would have an authentic encounter and personal relationship with Jesus Christ. But let’s not disqualify those who have not yet heard, or are still on the journey. If they are truly fulfilling God’s purposes as civil leaders, their actions will speak louder than their words, and their accomplishments outweigh their personal weaknesses.

In April of 2020, she also blamed the pandemic on remote-controlled mini-robot rats that wanted the outbreak to last past Easter Sunday in order to thwart Christians from attending church. That’s not a contradiction; that’s just plain stupid.

She could improve her health if she started listening to medical experts and stopped listening to fellow conservative Christians or the voices in her head. But she doesn’t care about her own family’s needs, much less that of other human beings. You can’t count on Christian leaders to do the right thing when their livelihood requires them to spread lies. I just hope too many other people aren’t hurt or killed because they took her advice.

Let her suffer the consequences of her ignorance. Everyone else deserves so much better.

(Thanks to Henry for the link)

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