91-Year-Old Pat Robertson: I Think God Is “Going To Give Me Another 29 Years” August 11, 2021

91-Year-Old Pat Robertson: I Think God Is “Going To Give Me Another 29 Years”

During yesterday’s episode of The 700 Club, a woman asked 91-year-old Pat Robertson why he seemed so upbeat and energetic lately. Was it the summer? Was it God?!

Robertson’s response pointed to God, of course, but it was the additional comment he made that caught people’s attention…

… I’m an old guy. I’m 91 years old. I’m tired. And I just feel the spirit of God come, and you know, it’s the Lord’s spirit. And by His spirit, He can just take an old hulk and make it into something good.

And that’s what you do. You empty yourself and have Him fill it. I don’t know that it has anything to do with the Second Coming… For me, it may be a second coming… I think He’s going to give me another 29 years. That’s what I’m planning on. Moses hit 120. I thought I could be that way.

120 years old. Even if that’s aspirational, and not a prediction, Robertson has no immediate plans of going away.

Well, you know what they say: Only the good die young.

(Thanks to Kyle for the link)

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