A Christian “Prophet” Said Trump Would Return to Power by June. Oops. July 1, 2021

A Christian “Prophet” Said Trump Would Return to Power by June. Oops.

Jeff Jansen, the Christian liar who insists that Donald Trump is still president, said earlier this year that Trump would return to the White House by this summer.

By March, he was so confident that would happen that he moved up the date up to April, saying the military would help restore Trump to power.

Then March and April came and went. So the so-called “prophet” claimed Joe Biden would be removed from office very soon.

Then very soon came and went. No luck. You know what has happened in that time, though? Jansen was fired from Global Fire Ministries International for a series of “poor moral choices” and “character flaws.”

You might think that makes it a good time to back away from his lies… but that’s never stopped a “prophet” before.

So a few weeks ago, Jansen said Trump would return to power by the end of this month.

“President Trump is going to be addressing the GOP and the nation,” Jansen said. “Watch what happens. I said by spring, which starts officially June 23, we’d be dancing in the streets. The Trump administration is on its way in; the pedophilia Biden administration — the fake administration — Biden’s administration is on its way out. I don’t care if you like it or not, it doesn’t matter. We all know what took place, and God is going to do something amazing in this nation and through this nation. It’s revival time. It’s revolution time.

Besides the fact that he was wrong about when spring starts (it ended on June 20), he was clearly implying that Trump would be back in office by late June.

It’s July 1. Trump is not in office. Trump won’t be in office. There’s even a chance he won’t have his freedom for much longer given that his close business associate Allen Weisselberg and his business are, as I write this, are the subjects of criminal indictments which could eventually implicate Trump himself.

I know I’ve said this before, but good grifters know you never set a deadline for your prophecies. You always say the world will end “soon,” not on a given date. Jansen gave multiple dates for his predictions, only to be humiliated each time. This is only the latest lie he’s told.

(via Right Wing Watch. Large portions of this article were published earlier)

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