Podcast Ep. 373: What Did Josh Duggar Do Now? May 8, 2021

Podcast Ep. 373: What Did Josh Duggar Do Now?

In our latest podcast, Jessica and I discussed the past week in politics and atheism.

We talked about:

— A juror looked to God, not evidence, and now an appeals court has overturned a verdict because of it. (0:45)

Josh Duggar‘s latest awful crimes. (16:04)

— Why are Florida officials correcting atheists’ invocations? (31:12)

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— A Christian lawmaker in Kansas released an insane statement after kicking a child. (43:20)

— Who wants to tell this Louisiana Republican leader that slavery isn’t okay? (1:01:11)

— A Christian college says it didn’t realize abusing children was harmful decades ago. (1:09:40)

We’d love to hear your thoughts on the podcast. If you have any suggestions for people we should chat with, please leave them in the comments, too.

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(Screenshot via YouTube)

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