Christian GOP Lawmaker Thinks His Kamala Harris Blowjob “Joke” Is Hilarious April 26, 2021

Christian GOP Lawmaker Thinks His Kamala Harris Blowjob “Joke” Is Hilarious

About a year ago, Oklahoma State Sen. Nathan Dahm co-sponsored a bill declaring 2020 the “Year of the Bible.” (Because how else would anyone know about Christianity?)

That came two years after Dahm sponsored a bill that would have changed state law to say “All wildlife found in this state is the property of Almighty God.” (That one thankfully failed.)

None of this is particularly surprising coming from Dahm because he is a Christian fundamentalist who comes from a missionary family, was homeschooled with the wildly flawed Abeka curriculum, and was a former dean of students at a Bible school in Romania.

And you’re never going to believe this: The right-wing Christian is also a misogynist. The reason he’s in the news right now is because he recently made a “joke” about how Kamala Harris rose through politics by giving blowjobs to other men.

He made the comment in a written press release announcing a bill to ban paper straws. Like, he thought about it, put it in print, then highlighted his own misogyny.

I’ve never met a single person who enjoys using a paper straw. They fall apart and turn to mush quicker than Joe Biden trying to string together a coherent sentence. They collapse like Mitt Romney under the slightest amount of pressure, and even with Kamala Harris … well, never mind.

The implication is that even someone who knows how to suck things doesn’t like paper straws. Hilarious Christian humor right there.

A local news reporter, Tyler Butler, asked him about that comment directly… and like all conservatives who imagine themselves to be the funniest person in every room, Dahm insisted it was hilarious and that anyone who disagrees just lacks a sense of humor. He defended the “joke” by saying he included Joe Biden and Mitt Romney in his press release… as if that somehow makes his Harris comment okay.

Dahm later added on Twitter:

“I’ve been assured my jokes are hilarious.” No kidding. When assholes are only surrounded by other assholes, they’re bound to compliment each other on everything.

Dahm isn’t an anomaly, though. He’s a quintessential conservative Christian Republican in a red state. His sense of humor doesn’t involve intelligence; it’s just Limbaugh-style insults against anyone Republicans demonize. The second he has to explain the joke, he falters miserably before running back to his echo chamber where he can be praised.

The Republican State Senate leader issued a mild condemnation of Dahm’s remarks — but don’t read much into it. It’s the least they can do. It allows the party to pretend it doesn’t support what he said while allowing them to avoid any sort of accountability. Dahm won’t face any actual repercussions from fellow Republicans.

Dahm is what you get when you elect Republican legislators from conservative Christian backgrounds. There’s no actual focus on helping constituents. It’s all grievance and attacks. To them, successful (liberal) women are nothing more than sex objects who couldn’t possibly have achieved anything on their own merits.

Dahm’s remarks also distract us from the other issue — which is that his original bill is idiotic. No one’s forcing anyone to use paper straws. If a Democrat filed a similar bill, you would expect long FOX News monologues about “cancel culture” and “censorship,” but this is a Republican, therefore the right-wing hypocrites will just pretend it all makes sense. Plus, they got the added bonus of a dig against Harris. Privately, they love everything about this.

(via Boing Boing. Screenshot via YouTube)

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