This Atheist Explored Christian Modesty Videos (and They’re Horrifying) March 28, 2021

This Atheist Explored Christian Modesty Videos (and They’re Horrifying)

YouTuber KimblyTea watched a bunch of the most popular Christian “modesty”/Purity Culture videos to explain what they get right and wrong. And wow, there’s a lot of wrong.

The depths of purity are astonishing if you don’t follow these things. Like the married adult Christian couple that says they won’t even watch people in bathing suits on TV shows because they need to protect themselves… from something.

But this video includes lines like, “Now there’s no such thing as a stupid question… but let me tell you why this is a stupid question,” so you know the commentary is worth it.

I’ve seen a handful of these “modesty” videos before but I did not realize how disturbing some of them can be. Especially that last one. That one was wild. The sort of poison they’re feeding young Christians, though, can seriously harm people for life. Many Exvangelicals have talked about that, but it’s obvious none of the Christians in these videos have ever listened to them.

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