Racist Business Owner Who Used “China Virus” in Ad: I’m a “Good Christian” December 30, 2020

Racist Business Owner Who Used “China Virus” in Ad: I’m a “Good Christian”

The Moorhead Auto Center in Fairfield, California has been offering “free smog checks” — a $50 value — to customers affected by the virus, which seems like a kind gesture. But the owner didn’t just say “virus” in his ad. He made it clear the auto center were referring to the “China virus,” adding a dose of racism to an already awful situation.

When ABC7 News anchor Dion Lim called up the owner, Jeff Moorhead, to ask if he would consider changing the language on the advertisement, he doubled down on it and even brought his faith into it.

[Moorhead] told [Lim] he “isn’t a racist” and is a “good Christian”. When asked if he would change the wording of the ad given the number of people concerned and offended he said he would not, citing President Trump’s use of the phrase and other media outlets.

Nothing says “I’m not racist” like a guy saying he’s not racist after saying something racist.

And of course he threw in how he’s a Christian. I had no doubts about that one. At this point, if someone makes a racist Trumpian comment, the religious label comes along for the ride.

Making matters worse, in the video interview he did a day later with Lim, Moorhead refuted the racism charge by using a line about how he has Chinese friends. After their conversation, however, Moorhead backed down and removed the ad.

No word on what all his Chinese friends thought about the situation.

(Thanks to Karen for the link)

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