Kirk Cameron Will Spread Christmas Cheer and COVID With an In-Person Sing-along December 18, 2020

Kirk Cameron Will Spread Christmas Cheer and COVID With an In-Person Sing-along

Last weekend, a group of COVID-denying Christians gathered in small groups around the country to sing Christmas carols as a way to show they’re “fed up” with government restrictions meant to save people’s lives.

This weekend, one of those groups, led by actor Kirk Cameron, is going to do it again:

… We’re having an encore protest this Sunday at The Oaks mall in Thousand Oaks, California. We want to double the size of our local gathering… If you love God, if you love Christmas, and you love liberty, you’re not gonna want to miss this.

Not surprisingly, there’s a lot of backlash to this plan. Considering they live in a state that has seen an outsized outbreak, why put more people at risk?!

Ventura County has reported nearly 27,000 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

But on Monday alone, the county reported 2,651 new cases — a 10% increase in a single day.

Local officials, however, say having that many people gather in one space without masks or physical distancing is irresponsible.

“Liberty and freedom are very fragile and they come with great responsibility,” said Thousand Oaks Mayor Claudia Bill-de la Pena. “Continuing to hold large gatherings and ignoring all guidelines, I feel, is unchristian.”

The COVID numbers are expected to climb — especially after a foolish stunt like this. But I’m sure the relatives of people currently in hospitals on ventilators are grateful that Cameron and his friends are having fun and owning the libs.

The Crocoduck seems so quaint in hindsight. Cameron is now actively trying to hurt people whether or not he’ll admit it. And for what? So he can spend an hour pretending he’s being persecuted.

(Thanks to Scott for the link)

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