Here’s Kenneth Copeland Laughing Maniacally About Biden Winning the Election November 9, 2020

Here’s Kenneth Copeland Laughing Maniacally About Biden Winning the Election

Televangelist Kenneth Copeland, who just the other week expressed disbelief that Muslims could be elected to Congress, isn’t handling the election Joe Biden very well. (You would think a guy who declared the pandemic to be over back in March would have learned not to trust his own judgment…)

During a service over the weekend, Copeland laughed at the idea Biden was declared president-elect.

I mean literally laughed. Like… to the point that this video is just creepy.

The media said what?! Hahahahahahahahahahaha.

The media said Joe Biden’s president. Haaaaaaaaaaaaa. Haaaaaa. Haaaaaaa. Haaaaaa. Haaaaaaa. Haaaaaa. Haaaaaaa. Haaaaaa. Haaaaaaa. Haaaaaa. Haaaaaaa. Haaaaaa. Haaaaaaa. Haaaaaa. Haaaaaaa. Haaaaaa. Haaaaaaa. Haaaaaa. Haaaaaaa. Haaaaaa. Haaaaaaa. Haaaaaa. Haaaaaaa. Haaaaaa. Haaaaaaa. Haaaaaa. Haaaaaaa. Haaaaaa. Haaaaaaa. Haaaaaa. Haaaaaaa. Haaaaaa. Haaaaaaa. Haaaaaa. Haaaaaaa. Haaaaaa. Haaaaaaa. Haaaaaa. Haaaaaaa. Haaaaaa. Haaaaaaa. Hahahahahahahaha. WOO! Hahahahahahahaha.

Totally normal Christians, everyone. No masks. Just mouths wide open, laughing at… um… reality.

They don’t seem to realize that their laughter, like prayer, won’t change the outcome of the race.

Can someone create a mashup of Copeland and Paula White calling for “angelic reinforcement” to protect Donald Trump? It’s just non-stop evangelical insanity with these people.

(via Right Wing Watch)

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