MAGA Cultists Pray for “Righteousness” Outside Nevada Ballot Counting Facility November 6, 2020

MAGA Cultists Pray for “Righteousness” Outside Nevada Ballot Counting Facility

The mail-in ballots look like they’ll be swinging a few more states in the direction of Joe Biden as we await an official winner in the presidential race, and Clark County, Nevada — home of Las Vegas — has a lot of results still waiting to be counted and released.

No wonder a few women with MAGA hats showed up where those ballots are being tabulated in order to… change the votes supernaturally…?

Alyssa Estrada of CBS News got the video:

The votes have already been cast. There’s nothing God can do about it.

But leave it to these women to worship at the altar of politics instead of going to a church. Their Lord and Savior Donald Trump is on the verge of defeat and they can’t handle it because cults can’t survive when the leader has fallen.

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