Preacher: I Just Cured Rush Limbaugh’s Terminal Lung Cancer With My Prayers October 25, 2020

Preacher: I Just Cured Rush Limbaugh’s Terminal Lung Cancer With My Prayers

MAGA cultist and right-wing preacher Lance Wallnau, who recently claimed Kamala Harris was a tool of Satan, has just cured cancer.

Or at least the cancer that just worsened for the cancer that is Rush Limbaugh.

During a livestream on Thursday, Wallnau said a prayer for Limbaugh… before going even further and declaring the cancer gone. You can see it at the 24:30 mark:

After several minutes of Christian gibberish — that for some reason invokes Sean Hannity, Dan Bongino, and Tucker Carlson — Wallnau says “We’re reversing the curse on Rush’s body.”

So… I guess it’s gone now. Limbaugh’s “terminal” cancer has disappeared.

Amazing how Wallnau has all that power but spends his time spreading nonsense on Facebook when he could be in a children’s cancer ward.

(Thanks to Kyle for the link)

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