Scamvangelist Kenneth Copeland: Vote the Way God Wants You To and You’ll Be Rich June 5, 2020

Scamvangelist Kenneth Copeland: Vote the Way God Wants You To and You’ll Be Rich

Just last week, televangelist Kenneth Copeland explained that there were exactly two times in a man’s life when he had to pay his tithes: When he has money… and when he doesn’t.

During a recent “virtual victory campaign,” he was right back at it. This time, he explained that people who cast a vote “according to the leading of the Spirit of God” — which, to him, means Donald Trump, though he didn’t say that explicitly — will be “blessed financially.”

“This is the mightiest country on the face of the Earth, and it is extremely important that we vote and do it according to the leading of the Spirit of God,” Copeland said. “It’s very vital and very, very important. It’s important to your own financial welfare.

“That ballot is your seed,” he continued. “You did what you believe was right, and God will treat you the entire time that that person is in office — whether it’s the governor, or the president, or a senator, or congressman, whomever it is … That ballot is your seed and God will treat you the same and you’ll be blessed financially, and you’ll be blessed in your body, and you can put a smile on your face and say, ‘Glory to God.’”

It’s telling how he says we should vote the way God wants us to, without going any further. He allows his viewers to fill in the blanks. But anyone who’s followed Copeland knows he’s a defender of Trump and has been invited to the White House with other preachers. The implication is clear.

Vote for Trump, and you’ll be rich. Give Copeland money, and you’ll be rich.

Sad thing is: the fools who fall for this very likely include people who cannot afford to throw away their money. Not that Copeland or Trump would care. More for them, everyone else can suffer.

(via Right Wing Watch)

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