Scamvangelist Kenneth Copeland Urges Poor People To Give Him More Money May 30, 2020

Scamvangelist Kenneth Copeland Urges Poor People To Give Him More Money

During a livestream Thursday, televangelist Kenneth Copeland explained how there are exactly two times in a man’s life when he must pay his tithes: When he has money… and when he doesn’t.

There’s two times in every person’s life when he should tithe and give offerings.

One is when he has the money.

And the other is when he doesn’t. Especially when he doesn’t! Amen.

Why Brother Copeland, would you think a poor person should give a tithe? Absolutely! Absolutely!

Good old Christian humor for you. Always hilarious.

This is all very convenient for the multi-millionaire preacher to say, considering his rich friends are just handing over their spare boats. Remember that Copeland also said earlier this year that God told him he needed to raise $300 million.

He could always sell his private jet. But no. He’d rather take pennies from people who barely have any.

(via Right Wing Watch)

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