Watch This Christian School’s Leaders Bragging About How Easy Their Classes Are May 16, 2020

Watch This Christian School’s Leaders Bragging About How Easy Their Classes Are

Whenever a Christian preacher begins his own Bible school, there are bound to be questions about its integrity. Are students really getting a proper education or is it really just a way to promote your personal ministry?

In the case of preacher Andrew Wommack, who founded Charis Bible College in Colorado, there has always been reason to doubt the education value. Last year, for example, he bragged about a “healing conference” that took place at the school during which a dead baby came back to life. (No video, though. Shocking.)

That doesn’t mean classes are useless, but it does make me question the critical thinking skills of the students.

But now there’s more reason to think the education they offer is lacking. (It goes beyond the fact that the school doesn’t have accreditation.)

Yesterday, administrators held a virtual “Campus Days 2020” event during which they answered questions from prospective students. One of the questions — a well-meaning one from someone who said she was never a good student to begin with — asked, “Can you fail Bible college?”

Fair question! It would be awful to think God wants you to go to Bible college… only to fail out. (Talk about mixed signals!)

You would think their response would have been something along the lines of, “It’s possible, but we offer a variety of resources to students who are struggling.” That would be a fine answer. It’s what any decent school would provide.

But they didn’t just say those things. Instead, they bragged about how easy everything was and how failure was technically possible but very unlikely. Wommack even said, “Yes, you can fail… but it’s gonna be real hard.”

Honestly, they make it sound like as long as you have a working pulse, you’ll have no problem graduating. Have a listen (or see my edited version below):

Did you hear the guy saying the majority of tests were true/false or multiple choice “and they’re not overly difficult”?! How on earth can any college — even a Bible college — assess your ability to analyze passages or work through difficult material without essay tests, or oral exams, or anything where the right answer isn’t already provided to you on the page?

There’s a push for high schools to stop making kids take the SATs and ACTs (and for colleges to stop asking for those scores) because the questions are poor indicators of students’ ability to succeed in college. Yet here’s a college leaning right into those multiple choice tests.

Again, it’s perfectly reasonable to tell students who are not academically strong that resources are available if they’re having trouble. Of course they don’t want anyone to fail. But apparently, if you attend class, you have to work very hard to screw up.

If it’s harder to fail a class than pass it, what sort of education are you really getting?

(Thanks to Kyle for the link)

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