Christian Preacher: God Must Stop Coronavirus Through “Supernatural Inoculation” February 26, 2020

Christian Preacher: God Must Stop Coronavirus Through “Supernatural Inoculation”

A couple of weeks ago, Nebraska pastor Hank Kunneman of One Voice Ministries claimed our nation would be protected from the recent strain of coronavirus because Donald Trump was anti-abortion and pro-Israel.

Now his wife is putting forth her own irrational claim.

On Monday night, Brenda Kunneman called on God to stop the virus through His “supernatural” powers.

“Right now, we speak over this situation with this coronavirus,” she proclaimed. “We say to that virus that the hands of the Lord have come to clap against you and destroy you, and we say that it shall be quarantined by the mercy of the living God.

“Let it be cast out from the nations and be contained, and to dissolve, and to be broken and neutralized by the power of the living God,” Kunneman declared. “We say, ‘Coronavirus, be neutralized in the name of Jesus and lose your power.’ We command that demon that is going forth, we say in Jesus’ name that it loses its strength and this thing dissipates, and even a supernatural inoculation of the spirit comes now and brings forth healing and a cure.

God will not stop coronavirus for the same reason God won’t stop any virus. There’s no spiritual connection between biology and religion. And if coronavirus is going to be eradicated, it’ll be because of thousands of scientists working quickly, not thousands of hands clasped in prayer.

As we’ve said before, if these people want God to block coronavirus, it’s only fair to blame God for creating it in the first place. But that logic never seems to seep into the minds of these deluded people who think one more prayer is the solution to everything.

(via Right Wing Watch)

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