Christian Pastor: Demons from Hell Are Trying to Take Down Donald Trump November 7, 2019

Christian Pastor: Demons from Hell Are Trying to Take Down Donald Trump

Another day, another right-wing Christian blaming Democrats for getting in the way of Donald Trump‘s re-election.

This time it’s Nebraska pastor Hank Kunneman of One Voice Ministries, who said during a “Prophetic Pulse Conference Call” with his wife Brenda that he had a dream in which demons were scheming to block Trump from a second term.

Kunneman claimed that in “a vision recently,” he witnessed “a demonic ritual going on” where “a spirit was being called up to try to now bring almost like a dark horse candidate” into the Democratic Party primary.

Kunneman then reported that just that morning, God had told him that between Halloween and Thanksgiving, Hell would unleash a wave of “nonsense” related to the impeachment investigation into Trump.

“I could hear the sounds of demonic chatter,” he reported. “The Lord said, ‘They are calling for November — Hell is — to be declared as the November of nonsense, to create a bunch of nonsense, trials’ … They were going to take it to another level, and they were going to actually try to move forward on certain things that they are meeting in secret about. They have between Oct. 30 and Thanksgiving as their window of opportunity.

God forbid Democrats find a candidate who opposes ethnic cleansing and destroying refugee families so that Christians can rest assured their cruelty will be reflected in the White House…

Though I’ll freely admit I’d vote for a demon if that’s what it took to beat Trump. If that’s not an option, a moderate will do.

Kunneman never mentions who the hypothetical “they” are. Nor does he offer any real evidence regarding what they’re “meeting” about. But that’s typical for him. This is the same guy who believed God would make up for a synagogue shooting by curing cancer, who spoke in tongues for his wife to translate on The Jim Bakker Show, who prayed for God to send Trump “angelic reinforcements,” and who said the practice of legal abortion in the United States gave demons a “blood right” to bring violence into public schools.

(via Right Wing Watch)

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