Christian Protester Arrested for Disorderly Conduct at Drag Queen Story Hour June 24, 2019

Christian Protester Arrested for Disorderly Conduct at Drag Queen Story Hour

During yesterday’s Drag Queen Story Hour at the Lexington Park Library in Maryland — an event we posted about earlier this month — someone was arrested for putting the children in danger.

It wasn’t a drag queen.

Instead, it was a Christian protester, Ashley K. Morgan, who ran into the meeting room before the event was opened to the general public and began screaming.

At approximately 1:50 p.m., Morgan ran past the check-in table and entered the meeting room. The meeting room was occupied by approximately 50 adults and 25 children at the time. Once in the room, Morgan began yelling and was told to stop and leave by police. As police attempted to arrest Morgan he ran around the room and continued to yell at people.

Morgan was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace, failure to obey a lawful order, resisting arrest, trespassing at a public agency.

This isn’t Morgan’s first time being a public jackass. More than two years ago, speaking out against an open-to-the-public sex education class for teenagers, Morgan delivered a sermon against “sin” (and claimed atheism leads to suicide) at a meeting of the Commissioners of St. Mary’s County (2:29:34):

It’s not clear which group, if any, he was working with when he was arrested over the weekend. Plenty of conservative Christian organizations have been trying to shut down similar events. Earlier this month, a pastor was kicked out of a similar event for screaming Christian bile and anti-LGBTQ hate speech at the kids.

The message is loud and clear: Kids don’t need protection from the drag queens. Kids need protection from Christian bigots like Morgan who treat books as Kryptonite and wrongly thinks children are magically going to change genders after one of these events.

***Update***: Here’s video from inside the room, courtesy of parent Danielle Fluker:

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