Mormon Leader Tells Single Women to Put on Lipstick and Stop Looking Like Men October 28, 2015

Mormon Leader Tells Single Women to Put on Lipstick and Stop Looking Like Men

Remember last week, when a Mormon leader talked about how Kim Davis was wrong to use her faith as an excuse not to do her job?

If you thought the Mormon Church had changed, this next video should disabuse you of those notions.

In a recent speech, Elder M. Russell Ballard, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, told a group of Mormon singles what they ought to do in order to get married.

He had some very specific advice for the women…

You beautiful girls: Don’t wander around looking like men. Put on a little lipstick now and then and look a little charming. It’s that simple. I don’t know why we make this whole process so hard.

This concludes another round of Enlightened Wisdom from the Relative You Hate to Sit Next To During Thanksgiving Dinner.

(via Zelph on the Shelf)

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