Son of Pastor Who Died from Snake Bite Nearly Dies from Snake Bite (Again) August 18, 2018

Son of Pastor Who Died from Snake Bite Nearly Dies from Snake Bite (Again)

In February of 2014, Pastor Jamie Coots of the snake-handling “Full Gospel Tabernacle in Jesus Name” church in Middlesboro, Kentucky (and one of the stars of the show “Snake Salvation“) died from a snake bite.

Later that year, his son Cody Coots was bitten on his finger while cleaning snake cages and said he would rely on prayer for healing. He’s not a very smart man, is what I’m saying. But he survived.

The Ringer’s Jordan Ritter Conn profiled Coots last year to see what he’s been up to since that accident, and what was fascinating was how Coots had a “crisis of faith.” He rebelled against a lot of the beliefs he had grown up with… but he eventually went back to being a pastor.

Well, you’ll never guess what happened…

Barcroft TV just posted a short documentary about Coots — and they caught him getting bitten by a snake during a service.

In the documentary footage, Cody continues to preach as blood rushes out from his ear. He tells his congregation to “keep playing” their music. “I’m not worried at all,” he says. “God’s a healer, I’m not worried.”

The good news is that he didn’t wait to find out if God would heal him. He was immediately taken to a hospital — and survived.

Yahoo News notes that Coots is “reportedly reevaluating his life after the incident.” Again.

It seems to be a genetic defect at this point that his family can’t get away from their deadly church no matter how many warnings God gives them that handling poisonous snakes is really dumb. Coots should take the hint. His daddy couldn’t and paid the price. It’s not too late for Cody to turn away for good.

That said, it’s a relief to see a story this week involving a dangerous church in which the victim was the pastor and not a child. Coots brought this upon himself.

(via Joe. My. God. Portions of this article were published earlier)

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