April 18, 2013
Atheists Giving Aid Raises Money for Victims of West, Texas Explosion
April 18, 2013
If Only These Pastors Would Share Their Secret with Their Congregations

A lot of Christian leaders have an opportunity to do the right thing on marriage equality before they get steamrolled by history. So what’s stopping them? Just their Biblical convictions? That’s true for many… but not all of them, as Sally Quinn notes: I have had a few religious leaders confide in me that they were not personally against gay marriage but could not take that position publicly for fear of losing their congregations. Think of the conflict and, yes, shame they must be feeling now and how it will only worsen with time. One day, they will have to come around or they really will lose their congregations. They have one thing going for them. Most religions believe in redemption. They’ll need to pray for it big-time. As we’ve learned from so many of the graduates of the Clergy Project, when you carry a secret that would shock your congregation, saying it out loud can be devastating, but the freedom you get from having a clear conscience is sooooo worth it. [Click headline for more…] Read more

April 18, 2013
Worldwide Protests Planned in Support of Bangladeshi Atheist Bloggers Under Attack
April 18, 2013
Rapid City (South Dakota) Leaders Vote to Keep Religious Invocations at Meetings
April 18, 2013
Turkish Atheist Fazil Say Sentenced for Blasphemy for His Offensive Tweets
April 18, 2013
Why Should Atheists Be Included in Interfaith Services?

As soon as I posted about today’s Interfaith event in Boston at which atheists were excluded, I knew people would argue that we didn’t belong there, that we shouldn’t have been invited, and we shouldn’t have even tried to get representation there. It’s an interfaith event, so why would we have been included in the first place? For one, if the President and Governor are attending this event in their official capacities, this should be a secular event, not a religious one. I understand that religion will be invoked by the officials — they’re Christians — but there’s no reason for the event itself to be only for the religious. Even the media is billing this as the “official” memorial service, so the more inclusive, the better. Also, this is a memorial service for the victims, not a Christmas or Easter service for churchgoers. All of us grieve in different ways. To suggest that the victims were all of one faith — or that the community only mourns them in particular religious ways is ignorant and unfair. Obviously, not every religious group can be represented. But the major groups — Protestants, Catholics, Muslims, Jews — will all have a person representing them up on stage. There’s no good reason that a Humanist couldn’t have given a message of hope, loss, and love without invoking God. [Click headline for more…] Read more

April 18, 2013
Jesus Christ Will Save You: A Message That Doesn’t Belong in a Public High School Assembly

Members of Mississippi’s Pinelake Baptist Church recently shared the message of finding hope in Jesus Christ. They even played a video to really bring home that message: In the video, two young men were interviewed who had once led “troubled” lives. To find hope, the men described various behaviors such as turning to drugs, sex, cutting, suicide, and the like. They then explained how turning to Jesus Christ solved their problems and recommended that other people turn to Jesus Christ as well. Sounds perfectly normal for a church gathering. The problem is that the gathering took place at Northwest Rankin High School, a public school. During the school day. And the principal even made it clear all seniors had to attend the assembly. Even when students tried to leave the Performing Arts Building so they wouldn’t have to listen to the preaching, “faculty stood near the exit door, preventing students from leaving.” It’s about as unconstitutional as you can get. [Click headline for more…] Read more

April 18, 2013
Today’s ‘Interfaith’ Service in Boston Will Exclude Atheists
April 18, 2013
True Love Waits… and Waits… and Waits
April 18, 2013
The Con Academy
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