April 24, 2013
Transgender Student Told He Cannot Run for Prom King
April 24, 2013
Christian Couple Kills Their Second Child… with Prayer
April 24, 2013
Video of the Humanist Memorial Service for the Victims of the Boston Bombings
April 23, 2013
Why You Should Wear Your Atheism on Your Sleeve
April 23, 2013
Did a Teacher Caught Up in a Student Sex Scandal Get a Lighter Sentence Because She Brought Up God?

A little more than two years ago, a teacher in a district very close to mine was charged with “aggravated criminal sexual abuse” when she was caught with a 16-year-old male student inside a car at night behind a department store. Take the fact that she’s attractive, throw in society’s double standards, and you can guess the kind of attention this scandal received. I bring this up now because the teacher just got sentenced — “two years of probation and 30 days in jail.” There’s a separate discussion to be had about the (lack of) weight of that sentence, but articles mentioned a letter she wrote to everyone involved in her fiasco — I’m not sure if it was voluntary or not — in which she apologized for everything she did. Part of the letter, written in January before her sentencing, included an update on her life and how she’s changed for the better: [Click headline for more…] Read more

April 23, 2013
Christian Pastor: Some Women Are Like Chinese Water Torture

Last night, I watched a sermon given by a fundamentalist Christian pastor talking about complementarianism, where only men can be the leaders in the church and home. I know some of you are sick of hearing about that because I’ve just giving them exposure, but in this case, we’re not talking about Pastor Steven Anderson and his church of a few dozen. We’re talking about Pastor Mark Driscoll and his church of several thousands. Coincidentally, he was talking about the same ideas Anderson presented the other day — the idea that wives should submit to their husbands. I’ll give Driscoll credit — he cloaks his misogyny in Bible verses much more discreetly than Anderson does, but the effect is the same. Just check out excerpts from the sermon starting at the 4:22 mark (transcribed here): [Click headline for more…] Read more

April 23, 2013
Exclusive Excerpt from <em>Beyond Belief: The Secret Lives of Women in Extreme Religions</em>
April 23, 2013
How Effective Will the ‘Abort Theocracy’ Campaign Be?
April 23, 2013
Rick and Kay Warren Take Positive Steps Toward Mental Health Education After Loss of Son
April 23, 2013
This Video Clearly Proves That Atheism is Irrational
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