May 1, 2013
The Problems with Male Circumcision: An Interview with the Producer of <em>American Secret</em>
May 1, 2013
Members of Congress Voice Support for National Day of Reason
May 1, 2013
Liberty Counsel’s Annual Push for Christian Students to Pray at Public School Graduations

Public school graduation ceremonies are supposed to be celebrations for everyone involved, which is why it’s so frustrating when Christians try to use the venues as an opportunity to proselytize to a captive audience. This year, like they’ve done many times before, Liberty Counsel is encouraging Christian students who get a chance to speak onstage to pray to Jesus and they’re making sure students know all the legal loopholes (PDF) to make it happen: “The key to expressing any religious viewpoint in public school, including graduation prayer, is that the school should remain neutral — neither commanding nor prohibiting it,” said Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel. … “Students do not lose their constitutional right to free speech when they step to the podium at graduation,” Staver said. “To allow a variety of viewpoints except religious viewpoints at graduation is religious hostility and unconstitutional. While schools should not force people to pray, neither should they prohibit them from praying.” This is part of their “Friend or Foe” campaign, a title they also use when pointing out retail stores that use the word “Christmas” (or don’t) in their holiday advertising. [Click headline for more…] Read more

May 1, 2013
Senator Tom Harkin: I Do Not Agree With Calling Secular People ‘Nonbelievers’
May 1, 2013
Dunedin City Council in Florida Issues ‘Day of Reason’ Proclamation
May 1, 2013
Mayor of Charlotte, North Carolina Issues ‘Day of Reason’ Proclamation
April 30, 2013
Why Are Christian Homeschooling Parents Pushing to Expose Their Children to Evolution?

The world of Christian homeschooling is undergoing a shift. More and more, parents are seeking material that will “teach the controversy” on evolution. Although we tend to see that as a method to discredit evolution when used in public schools, you might think this is actually a step up in the world of Creationism-or-bust homeschooling textbooks — they’re finally teaching evolution, too — but there’s a little more to the story than that: Christian homeschool science textbooks have long taught young earth creationism (YEC) almost exclusively. But observers say a growing number of parents want texts that also teach evolution. “The YEC position is strong and ingrained in the homeschool movement,” said Sonlight president Sarita Holzmann, who homeschools her children and believes in a young earth. “That might be to our detriment.” She says students need to be able to evaluate different positions. [Click headline for more…] Read more

April 30, 2013
Blue Ridge Christian Academy: The School That Gave Fourth Graders the Creationism Test Heard Around the Internet
April 30, 2013
Guess Who’s Insulted by Florida House Prayers in Jesus’ Name?

Not news: The Florida House of Representatives holds invocation prayers before legislative sessions. Not news: People are complaining about it. News: It’s not atheists! A Jewish lawmaker in Florida approached the Speaker of the House this week on behalf of other Jewish legislators who state that they are offended and insulted by the practice of praying in the name of Jesus during House sessions. Jim Waldman of Coconut Creek contacted Speaker Will Weatherford to explain why what he called “the J.C. moment” presents a problem. “This year more so than others, every time the prayer comes up, it’s in Jesus’ name,” he said. “This is my seventh year talking about it, and it’s getting to be too much. It would be nice to have an inclusive prayer.” It’d be even nicer if they did away with the public prayers and got down to work. But how else are they supposed to get re-elected? By writing and debating meaningful legislation?! That’s crazy talk. [Click headline for more…] Read more

April 30, 2013
When It Comes to Marriage Equality, Wisdom Doesn’t Necessarily Come with Age
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