June 2, 2013
Matt Harding Talks About His Dancing Videos at the American Humanist Association Conference
June 2, 2013
Enslaved by Religion
June 1, 2013
Atheist Rapper Ensomniak’s Latest Song: ‘Parable’
June 1, 2013
When Atheists Criticize School Prayer, It’s Not Because We’re ‘Offended’

On his show this week, Glenn Beck spoke about Jonathan Hardwick’s Christian graduation prayer at Lincoln County High School and the fact that atheist students successfully stopped a formal prayer from taking place at the ceremony. Beck argued that atheists tried to stop it because they were offended… and no one has a right not to be offended: Your browser does not support iframes. After playing a clip of the prayer and the audience’s rousing applause, Beck says: I think the school should get a very clear message that the people… in this town say “Enough is enough.” Now, that’s not a hateful thing against atheists… It’s really not. I don’t understand — I really don’t understand… You don’t have the right to not be offended. My gosh… You know who’s going to survive in the end?… I contend it will be the people of faith or the people who are currently being ostracized because of their point of view. The people who this system has beaten up and told to shut up for a very long time. Because there’s not hatred in our hearts… [Click headline for more…] Read more

June 1, 2013
This Response to Wolf Blitzer Would Have Worked, Too
June 1, 2013
Louisiana Politician’s Bill to Force Students to Recite Lord’s Prayer Gets Gutted and May Now Become Law

About two months ago, Katrina R. Jackson, a Democrat from Louisiana, tried to pass awful legislation that would have all the state’s elementary and high schools reciting the Lord’s Prayer. House Bill 660 said those recitations would be “voluntary” in the sense that you wouldn’t be punished by the administration for not joining in… but ignored the fact that most students would be pressured by their peers to join in with the majority. Jackson went on to say that “these exercises [were] not meant to influence an individual’s personal religious beliefs in any manner” and saying the Lord’s Prayer would help students learn about “America’s great freedoms, including the freedom of religion…” It made no sense and was rightfully hammered in the media. [Click headline for more…] Read more

June 1, 2013
Stephen King: If You Don’t Believe in God, You’re Missing Out on Sunrises, Sunsets, and the Stars
June 1, 2013
Bill Maher: ‘I Think the Pope’s an Atheist’
May 31, 2013
Catch and Release
May 31, 2013
Jessica Ahlquist Interviewed at Playboy Mansion
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