June 11, 2013
50 Years of Progress: Science vs. Religion
June 10, 2013
School Board Overturns Ban on ‘The Perks of Being a Wallflower’
June 10, 2013
Sam Harris on the Danger of ‘Religious Ecstasy’ Pointing the Wrong Way
June 10, 2013
Playing Dungeons & Dragons Leads to Suicide, Says Pat Robertson
June 10, 2013
After Christian Mayor Refuses to Support ‘Humanist Recognition Week,’ Religious Groups Are Discussing a Response
June 10, 2013
How I Lost My Christian Faith While Writing a Book on Evolution
June 10, 2013
15-Year-Old Syrian Boy Executed for Committing Blasphemy
June 9, 2013
Support the Kelowna Secular Sobriety Group
June 9, 2013
The Man Who Could Be Virginia’s Next Lt. Governor Thinks Evolution is a Lie and Sin Leads to Birth Defects
June 9, 2013
Amarillo Globe-News Publishes Awful Editorial on American Atheists’ Monument in Florida

The editorial writers at the Amarillo Globe-News have no understanding of the law, but that didn’t stop them from ranting against American Atheists for putting up a monument in front of the Bradford County Courthouse in Florida. Quick backstory: A Christian group put up a Ten Commandments monument in front of the courthouse (below) and county officials had to choose whether to remove it or allow monuments from other groups. They chose the latter, probably assuming no one would want to put up a monument, but American Atheists called their bluff. Later this month, they’ll unveil a bench (near the Christian monument) featuring Bible verses that talk about the punishments for violating the Ten Commandments, quotations against religion, and statements in support of separation of church and state: The AGN editor writers don’t seem to understand why American Atheists would want to do this: [Click headline for more…] Read more

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