June 12, 2013
Golden Valley City Council Member Tries but Fails to Remove Pledge of Allegiance from Meetings
June 12, 2013
Conservative Media Claim ‘Persecution’ of Christians in the Military, but Actual Soldiers Call Bullshit

Shocking news. I hope you’re sitting down. Being a conservative and a Christian marks you for persecution in today’s military. So claims FOX News Radio journalist Todd Starnes. So says Master Sergeant Nathan Sommers, a member of the U.S. Army Band. And so parrots Ret. Navy Commander John Bennett Wells, who is representing Sommers: [Wells] said there is no doubt in his mind that the U.S. military is discriminating against Christians — and specifically his client. “There’s no question about it,” Wells told Fox News. “Because he is religious, because he feels that homosexual conduct is wrong for religious reasons, he is basically being persecuted.” What got Sommers in hot water with his superiors? It wasn’t one thing in particular, but a string of behaviors, opinions, and utterances over time. For instance: [Click headline for more…] Read more

June 11, 2013
Texas Christian University Grants Official Recognition to a Campus Atheist Group
June 11, 2013
Mayor Who Refused to ‘Support an Organization That Does Not Believe in Jesus Christ’ Issues Public Apology
June 11, 2013
A Christian Man Sued Oklahoma Over a Religious Image on its License Plates… and Won
June 11, 2013
Prayer at a Preschool Graduation

During a Texas public preschool’s “graduation” ceremony on May 31st, one teacher urged a student to say “In Jesus’ name, Amen.” Amber Barnhill was a parent at that ceremony and she was surprised by what she heard. She didn’t want to make a big deal out of it — it was probably just an innocent mistake, right? So she decided to just chat with the teacher and let her know what the issue was: [The teacher] replied “I’m sorry, but I cannot apologize for that”. She kept reiterating this line through the whole of our conversation. She also said “no one else had a problem with it” though clearly she did not ask everyone involved and “no one has ever said a word to me before about this”. I inserted the word “religion” to which she immediately cut me off with “oh it’s not a religion, it’s a way of life. It’s who I am” and elaborated on this. The conversation just got more frustrating from there. In short, Amber was the voice of reason. The teacher was the voice of denial. [Click headline for more…] Read more

June 11, 2013
Christian Columnist: Jason Collins Should ‘Renounce Homosexuality’
June 11, 2013
That Awkward Moment When Creationist Gets Outwitted by a Sixth Grader (Part Two)

Back in November, during a debate on God’s existence between Young Earth Creationist Eric Hovind and atheist Bernie Dehler, 11-year-old Chad Dehler (Bernie’s son) challenged Hovind with a simple question: “What is your evidence of God?” How do you know you’re not just talking to yourself? Hovind’s answer, in a nutshell, is that we can’t know anything to be true unless we know everything… therefore, God has to give you revelation… therefore PROOF! That makes perfect sense, right? And at the end of the video, Hovind claims that Bernie Dehler, unlike his son, would say that there may be evidence of God’s existence. It’s taken Chad a few months to process all that gobbledegook and he’s come to the conclusion that it made absolutely no sense! So Chad went back in front of the camera to ask Hovind the same question once again: [Click headline for more…] Read more

June 11, 2013
Mayor of Monterrey, Mexico Offers Up Her City to Jesus Christ

The mayor of Monterrey, Mexico, Margarita Arellanes Cervantes, recently spoke at an event called “Monterrey Prays” (organized by a group called the Pastors Alliance) and gave quite the sermon: “I, Margarita Alicia Arellanes Cervantes, deliver the city of Monterrey, Nuevo León to our Lord Jesus Christ. For his kingdom of peace and blessings to be established, I open the doors of this city to God as the maximum authority.” The mayor said that without the presence and help of Jesus Christ there cannot be real success; “If the Lord doesn’t build the house, the ones who build it work in vain; if the Lord doesn’t care for the city, the watchers stand guard in vain.” … She mentioned that some people are offended and intolerant if God is spoken of in public, but tolerate and stay silent before hatred and evil… [Click headline for more…] Read more

June 11, 2013
Some Catholic Countries More Accepting of Homosexuality Than the United States
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