June 19, 2013
Happy to Be in the Intersection
June 19, 2013
Atheists in Mississippi Want to Help Local Families ‘Beat the Heat’

Last summer, I asked readers to help atheists in northeast Mississippi “beat the heat” by donating money so they could buy air conditioners for people in the region: Because we believe in social justice and we know that no gods are going to solve this problem, we humanists are ready to do something about it! We want to raise as much money as possible to buy air conditioners for these families so they will not needlessly suffer through this incredibly harsh summer. Even a small window unit will make a big difference — especially for those people who have allergies, breathing disorders, or are at high-risk for dehydration. And the best part is that this air conditioner unit will give a family several years of relief. The small investment you make now will pay out immediate and long-term benefits. You all came through in spectacular fashion, raising over $800, enough for several air conditioning units and then some: Now, the newly-formed Northeast Mississippi Secular Humanist Association wants to do even more. They want to purchase air conditioners for 10 families, including one with special needs: [Click headline for more…] Read more

June 19, 2013
President of Group That Used to ‘Pray Away the Gay’ Apologizes to LGBTQ Community
June 19, 2013
More States Require a Waiting Period to Have an Abortion Than to Own a Gun
June 19, 2013
How Not to Be a Christian Around Your Atheist Friends
June 19, 2013
Christian Apologist William Lane Craig Criticizes Atheist Hotline for Something It Doesn’t Do
June 19, 2013
Chairman of Irish School Board Resigns After Distributing Pro-Life Propaganda to Children

After spending some time as the spokesperson for now-retired archbishop of Dublin Cardinal Desmond Connell, Eddie Shaw became the chairman of a Catholic school board. Maybe that position makes sense for someone who has spent a long time within the Church environment, but what he did a couple of weeks ago (no, not that) has led to his resignation. Shaw asked all teachers to send home with students — some of whom were as young as five years old — a leaflet promoting an anti-abortion Vigil for Life rally: “… The parent body were outraged that the children were being used as vehicle to promote a controversial campaign,” [minutes from a parents’ association meeting] said. Parents who spoke to The Irish Times were very angry at their children being used in this way. One parent of a five-year-old was asked by the child what an abortion was and felt deeply annoyed to have been put in that position. Shaw apologized at the meeting and admitted that he made a mistake, adding that he really should’ve sent those leaflets home in an envelope, a solution one parent correctly said “[missed] the point entirely.” [Click headline for more…] Read more

June 19, 2013
Job Interview Questions About Gay Marriage, Abortion, and Religion Lead to Lawsuit
June 19, 2013
Salafi Muslims in Egypt Are Filing More Blasphemy Cases Than Ever Before
June 18, 2013
Atheist Alliance of America National Convention Tickets Now Available
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