July 1, 2013
Foundation Beyond Belief Announces Q3 2013 Slate of Charities
July 1, 2013
Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Who Cares About the Children, Apparently Cared Even More About the Catholic Church’s Money
July 1, 2013
So, I’ll Be Speaking at a Church in San Antonio This Sunday…

A few years ago, just after I Sold My Soul on eBay came out, a pastor at Willow Creek, a megachurch outside of Chicago, invited me to come onstage with him and have a discussion about my experience visiting churches and meeting Christians. There was a lot I liked and didn’t like (that went well beyond just belief in a God). It wasn’t a debate. We weren’t there to score points. And I really enjoyed my time there. I also appreciated how the pastor let the audience know that, when they met me afterwards, there was nothing they could say that I hadn’t heard many, many times before, so they should show some respect by not trying to convert me 🙂 That pastor, Randy Frazee, is now a pastor at Oak Hills Church in San Antonio, Texas, and he invited me to his church to have a similar sort of discussion this weekend. It’ll be interesting to see how it goes, considering that it’s been years since our last public discussion and my views on churches are probably not as generous as they may have been in the past. [Click headline for more…] Read more

July 1, 2013
Pakistani Teenager Falsely Accused of Blasphemy is Safe, but Two Others Are Killed for Dancing in the Rain

Last summer, Rimsha Masih, a young teenager who is the daughter of a Pakistani Christian couple, was arrested and jailed on charges of blasphemy. Her accuser was a mullah, Hafiz Mohammed Khalid Chishti (a.k.a. Khalid Jadoon) who said he’d caught the girl with charred pages from the Koran. Something was fishy about the case from the get-go. For one thing, Rimsha (pictured below, left) was widely reported to be of limited mental capacity (some sources say she has Down Syndrome); even if she had really done what Chishti (right) accused her of, her culpability was in question. Also, Chishti is a known agitator against Christians, … even appearing on a popular national television show to complain that the noise made by Christian worshippers had disturbed Muslim residents. Which is an observation lacking in the self-awareness department if you’ve ever heard the racket a muezzin blares from atop his minaret five times a day. [Click headline for more…] Read more

July 1, 2013
The Bible (Miniseries) Gets Resurrected‎
July 1, 2013
John Xu Appointed Acting Director for Centre for Inquiry in Toronto
July 1, 2013
Secret Vatican Rentboy Ring Turns Out to be Part of a Pedophile’s Revenge Plot

This story has all the drama of a Vatican soap opera, and it’s moving at a breakneck pace. Don’t blink, or you might miss it. First, the media got wind that Don Patrizio Poggi, a former parish priest once convicted of abusing young teen boys, had filed an explosive complaint with the Italian police. He alleged that a former police officer had been recruiting underage boys living in poverty to sexually service Catholic clergymen in Rome. According to Poggi, the ex-Carabinieri “pimp” would approach youths at saunas, gyms, gay bars and discotheques. Most of the boys were Eastern European immigrants in need of cash. The unnamed pimp would lure the boys with offers of modelling and acting jobs, opportunities that invariably fell through. Instead, the boys were paid €150-€500 ($195-$650 USD) to engage in a variety of sex acts with Catholic priests, both retired and active. [Click headline for more…] Read more

July 1, 2013
In Mississippi, a New Law Will Allow Religious Proselytizing in Public Schools
July 1, 2013
Vast Crowds Turn Out in Egypt to Oust Their Hardliner Muslim President
July 1, 2013
A Blow to Christian Privilege
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