July 11, 2013
‘Preachers of L.A.’ Only the Latest Display of Hypocrisy Within the Christian Church
July 11, 2013
We’ll Be Liveblogging The Amazing Meeting 2013!

Okay guys, my bags are packed and I’m on my way to Las Vegas to cover the one, the only, The Amazing Meeting for all of you fine folks. A weekend full of science and skepticism and, likely, wine await me. Here’s how it’s going to go down: I’ll be liveblogging all of the talks and panels, while my trusty side-kick/expert photographer/gentleman friend, Mikey, will be taking pictures and video. I am also going to have the opportunity to sit down with some of the speakers for interviews, which I am planning on recording and uploading in a sort of podcast-like fashion so we can get those to you quickly. (Apologies in advance for my lack of a radio-friendly voice, I shall try to leave the bulk of the talking to people smarter than myself.) As it’s my first trip to TAM, I am not sure what’s waiting for me this weekend, but I can tell you that Mikey and I are going to be working our butts off to make sure you all feel like you’re there. [Click headline for more…] Read more

July 11, 2013
A Wonderful Explanation of Inclusive Fitness
July 11, 2013
Can Atheists Marry Christians… and Make It Last?
July 11, 2013
David Barton: ‘I Don’t Need Religion or a Bible’ to Oppose Marriage Equality… Just Phony Stats!

Evangelical pseudo-historian David Barton is the latest big-name conservative to get all worked up over the country’s growing acceptance of marriage equality, but he says he doesn’t even need God to back up his anti-gay stance. This week on his radio program, WallBuilders, Barton claimed that “homosexual marriage” has proven to be a flop in the 12 nations where it’s legal. (Actually, it’s 13 countries — with France being the most recent country to legalize same-sex marriage, and Uruguay and New Zealand having same-sex marriage laws going into effect later this year.) Misrepresenting a ten-year-old study, Barton said: I don’t need religion or a Bible to prove that homosexual marriage is not a good deal for a country. We have now twelve nations who have adopted homosexual marriage; they have stats. Jesus did give us a good admonition in Matthew 7 that you can judge a tree by its fruits, so if I take the nations that have homosexual marriage and I look at them, I say okay, in those nations where you have homosexuals allowed to marry, only two percent of homosexuals do marry. So even though they want homosexual marriage, 98% of homosexuals don’t marry when they [can] get it and the average homosexual marriage lasts eighteen months and involves eight extra-marital partners. Now by what stretch of the imagination would you consider that to be a marriage? (The audio clip from the original program is available here via Right Wing Watch.) [Click headline for more…] Read more

July 11, 2013
Attorney: My Facebook Friends Said the Ten Commandments Monument on City Property is Okay, So It Should Stay Up
July 11, 2013
Buddhists Take Pills Made of Poop (Different Religion, Same Old Crap)

A Buddhist retreat in the desert would seem like a place of peace, and ordained monk Michael Roach’s commune in Arizona’s Apache Highlands was just that — if you discount the jealousy, the backbiting, the domestic abuse, and the knife attack. Rolling Stone has a long piece on the peculiar goings-on in Roach’s mystical cult. Journalist Nina Burleigh was brave for writing it, as Roach is a man who, according to his followers, …can walk through walls, see into the future and, some believe, cast powerful spells against those who cross him. This may be the most entertaining paragraph in Burleigh’s article: To underscore the importance of one’s teacher, Roach’s acolytes consumed dutsi, pills that supposedly contain bits of symbolic scatological material going back to Buddha (a secretive practice among Tibetan Buddhist initiates). “People worked for free in order to catapult their karma out of the prosaic shitter,” says Morris [a source]. “So you had a lot of people eating shit, literally and figuratively.” If you’d like to make your own, start with a non-constipated cow. And for Shiva’s sake, don’t let the cow doo-doo hit the ground, ’cause that would make it impure. [Click headline for more…] Read more

July 11, 2013
Does Believing in God Really Lead to Better Psychiatric Treatment Outcomes?

A new study published in the Journal of Affective Disorders and reported on in the New York Times suggests that belief in God can lead to better outcomes for patients with mental health treatment: Over all, those who rated their spiritual belief as most important to them appeared to be less depressed after treatment than those with little or no belief. They also appeared less likely to engage in self-harming behaviors. “Patients who had higher levels of belief in God demonstrated more effects of treatment,” said the study’s lead author, David H. Rosmarin, a psychologist at McLean Hospital and director of the Center for Anxiety in New York. “They seemed to get more bang for their buck, so to speak.” Does that mean God actually helps patients in a hospital? No, of course not. [Click headline for more…] Read more

July 11, 2013
What is Jainism?
July 11, 2013
They Get a Merit Badge for That, Right?
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