July 17, 2013
How Can We Effectively Talk to Religious People About Atheism?
July 16, 2013
Are You in a Mixed-Faith Relationship?
July 16, 2013
He Engraved a Portrait of Carl Sagan on Black Granite
July 16, 2013
What Percentage of Prisoners are Atheists? It’s a Lot Smaller Than We Ever Imagined

What percentage of prisoners are atheists? This is an important question with serious implications. If the number is high, it lends support to the idea that atheists are immoral (***Edit***: I should’ve made clear that not all prisoners are in jail for immoral reasons, though that is certainly the stereotype). If the number is low, it might provide some proof that, indeed, atheists have their own moral compass that doesn’t involve a holy book. For more than a decade, if you Googled this question, you were directed to one of two websites, both referring to the same information (though even that’s in dispute) given to a “Rod Swift” by Denise Golumbaski, a research analyst at the Federal Bureau of Prisons. According to them, atheists made up 0.2% of the prison population: There were always a lot of problems with that information: … If the statistic is wrong, we must stop using it. But can we really confirm or deny this information? Yes we can — and I finally have some definitive information to back it up. [Click headline for more…] Read more

July 16, 2013
In Indonesia, Where You Can Be Sent to Prison for Not Believing in God, Atheist Parents Are Meeting on Facebook
July 16, 2013
What Was It Like at a Megachurch?
July 15, 2013
Edward Tarte Asks: Is He Really One of ‘God’s Holy People’?
July 15, 2013
<em>The Celestial Teapot</em>: A New Digital Magazine for Atheists
July 15, 2013
50 Years of Humanism in ‘Doctor Who’
July 15, 2013
Sarah Palin Wants to Save Christmas from ‘Angry Atheists… Armed with an Attorney’

Sarah Palin is coming out with a book this winter about the “War on Christmas” and she talked about it with Faith and Freedom Coalition head Ralph Reed: … It’s going to be a great Christmas book. Lots of nice, festive, joyful things within the book, like recipes and traditions of our family that are probably pretty unique because we are from Alaska and live near the North Pole, so we have access to Santa Claus and all the good things that come with Christmas. But the heart of the book is the Truth about Christmas. It’s keeping Christ in Christmas and allowing the politically correct people and the angry atheists, especially those who are armed with an attorney, tell us that Christ will not be a part of Christmas anymore, whether that has to do with the language that we use when we say “Merry Christmas” publicly and we have our nativity scenes out on our public property, or private property, for those who want to take that away from Americans who understand that the Truth behind the most wonderful holiday, Christmas, well, we tell then in this book how they can fight back and be empowered, again, to keep Christ in Christmas. As with just about everything Sarah Palin says, there’s so much wrong in her statement, the least of which is that Wasilla, Alaska isn’t actually “close” to the North Pole. [Click headline for more…] Read more

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