July 18, 2013
These Islamists Believe Education is Sinful, but Burning Kids to Death Honors Allah

When it comes to the pernicious influence of religion, I consider myself fortunate to live in the western world. I get to write about the Evansville crosses without any fear of Christian mobs administering a beating. I can say what I want about the disgusting and disgraceful practice of ritual baby-penis-sucking among Hasidic Brooklyn Jews, and no armed posse of YHWH fans is going to come to my home to teach me a lesson. I may publish whatever strikes me as truthful about the so-called prophet Muhammad without incensed Islamists threatening to butcher m–oh, wait, not that one. I forgot: Islam is special. … No organization drives home the point quite as well as the degenerate Nigerian group Boko Haram, whose name means “Western education is sinful.” So Boko Haram’s fighters love targeting schools and students, in a series of loathsome acts not seen since Muslim terrorists killed almost 400 pupils and teachers in Beslan. [Click headline for more…] Read more

July 18, 2013
What is Humanism?
July 17, 2013
Judge Stops Lake Elsinore City Council From Putting Up a Religious Monument for Veterans
July 17, 2013
An Ex-Muslim Writes About What Must Change in the Middle East
July 17, 2013
r/Atheism Gets Kicked off Reddit’s Default Front Page
July 17, 2013
National Atheist Party Changes Its Name to Secular Party of America
July 17, 2013
Rhode Island Governor Vetoes ‘Choose Life’ License Plate
July 17, 2013
Foundation Beyond Belief Members Raised $100,125 for Charity Over the Past Three Months
July 17, 2013
Stuff the Pope’s Personal Theologian Says

LifeSite News, a Canadian-based online news outlet with a heavily Catholic focus on abortion, contraception, and the evil gays, has just released a pair of interviews with Pope Francis’ personal theologian (initially appointed by Benedict XVI), Reverend Wojciech Giertych. If you’re wondering why the Pope has his own personal theologian, you’re not alone. This is the guy, after all, who’s doing his very best to act as the entire world’s personal theologian. You’d think he’d have enough of a grasp on the doctrines of his own religion to get by without needing a consultant. Apparently not. Giertych (apparently pronounced like “GEAR-tack”) reads over the speeches other, lesser Vatican staffers write for Pope Francis to deliver, checking them for theological inconsistencies so the Pope doesn’t accidentally say something contrary to Catholic teaching. He’s also the person the Pope consults for theologically sound advice or when he feels like bouncing some ideas off one of his colleagues. Based on the interview videos LifeSite released, it seems pretty safe to assume that the next really offensive thing the Pope says will probably have gotten the green light from Giertych. The first video, addressing the worldwide same-sex marriage controversy, is entitled “Treating homosexuals with dignity means telling them the truth.” Pretty obvious trigger warning for homophobia here: [Click headline for more…] Read more

July 17, 2013
What Has Religion Done for Us This Month? Episode 8
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