July 22, 2013
These People Wrongly Believe Atheists Will Be Angry About the Ten Commandments Monument on Their Church’s Property

Over the weekend, a Ten Commandments monument was unveiled in front of St. Paul’s AME Church in Uniontown, Pennsylvania, courtesy of the group Thou Shall Not Move. You’re probably thinking: Who cares? That’s not a story. You’d be right. But the church members — for reasons that have everything to do with a complete lack of understanding about how the law works — thought they were hoisting up a giant middle finger to atheists: “Freedom from religion offends Christians,” Colatch said. “Christians don’t believe that atheists should tell us what we can and cannot do. This monument is the free speech zone. “They have wakened up people of this area,” Colatch said. “We decided to stand up for Freedom of religion — not from religion. No one is going to move this stone. We will not allow it. We’ve decided to stand up for this monument and to stand up for Jesus Christ.” And the atheist response has been a collective: Seriously, it’s fine. No atheist group has any plans to take down this monument. So what’s this all about? [Click headline for more…] Read more

July 22, 2013
Great Easter Egg on the Cover of Seattle’s <em>The Stranger</em>
July 22, 2013
Why Atheists ‘Obsess’ Over Religious Beliefs

We’ve probably all been confronted with some variation on this question from frustrated theists or apathetic “nones” who find our whole movement a little baffling: Why do you atheists spend so much time worrying about a God you don’t even believe exists? If you think he’s not real, why not just let it go at that? Austin Cline, About.com’s Atheism and Agnosticism guide, recently highlighted just such a query from a reader, one who reaches a conclusion that requires something of a Super Mario-worthy leap: Doesn’t [atheists’] obsession with non-belief indicate that they secretly do believe? Otherwise, wouldn’t their actions be inconceivable? I can’t for the life of me put that one together. Even if you grant the premise that atheists are irrationally obsessed with their lack of belief, there’s no connection I can imagine that thereby leads to “therefore they actually are theists, Q.E.D.” Maybe that whole “denial ain’t just a river in Egypt” thing? I dunno, I’m reaching. But that’s not really what I wanted to highlight about this post. I particularly liked Cline’s conclusion at the end of his post: [Click headline for more…] Read more

July 22, 2013
Want to Be in the Nicolas Cage ‘Left Behind’ Remake?
July 22, 2013
A Preview of Our Coverage of The Amazing Meeting 2013
July 22, 2013
The Women of ‘New Atheism’ Are All Around Us
July 22, 2013
Excellent Coverage of Camp Quest Kansas City
July 22, 2013
The One Time a Comment Thread Might Be Useful…
July 21, 2013
Houston Atheists Plan to Demonstrate During Creationist Home School Conference

The Texas Home School Coalition is hosting a conference On August 1-3, and Head Creationist Ken Ham will be one of the keynote speakers, preaching his lies to parents and children, like how our planet is only a few thousand years old, and how dinosaurs and humans lived at the same time, and how the Creation Museum is doing just great financially. The Houston Atheists are planning to welcome Ham to their city their own way: Houston Atheists will be there too, in a demonstration outside the convention, to promote the real science and to encourage convention attendees to find out what science really says — by researching for themselves the truth about the age of the universe and where we all came from, and by attending our event the following day, Answers In Science. [Click headline for more…] Read more

July 21, 2013
The Sadistic Designer
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