July 27, 2013
Kirk Cameron Doesn’t Understand Atheism
July 27, 2013
Charles Darwin’s Great-Great-Grandson Will Speak at New York City’s ‘Atheist Church’ on Sunday
July 26, 2013
U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom Calls on Kazakhstan’s Government to Release Atheist Prisoner
July 26, 2013
Dave Silverman Appears on FOX News to Debate Jewish Star on Ohio’s Holocaust Memorial

Last week, I wrote about a new Holocaust memorial that will soon go up on the grounds of the Ohio Statehouse: The design features the story of an Auschwitz survivor told on two giant tablets… with a Star of David in the negative space between them. While the monument will be paid for mostly through private donations, the state is kicking in about $300,000 for the preparation of the site. The Freedom From Religion Foundation says that, while we should certainly honor the victims of the Holocaust, this particular design constitutes a promotion of religion: … including the Star of David so prominently in the planned Memorial is exclusionary, ignoring the sacrifices made by the many other groups targeted by the Nazis during World War II. A reasonable observer could conclude that the government only cares about the Jewish victims of the Holocaust, not Christian, nonreligious, or other non-Jewish victims. This afternoon, American Atheists’ David Silverman appeared on FOX News to defend FFRF’s position: [Click headline for more…] Read more

July 26, 2013
The Military Was Right to Take Down ‘No Atheists in Foxholes’ Column

Chaplain Lt. Col. Kenneth Reyes, who works at the Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson in Alaska, wrote an article for his “Chaplain’s Corner” column recently in which he talked about the origin of the phrase “no atheist in foxholes.” While the column has since been removed from the website, the text is still around: Many have heard the familiar phrase, “There is no such thing as an atheist in a fox hole.” Where did this come from? Research I verified in an interview with former World War II prisoner of war Roy Bodine (my friend) indicates the phrase has been credited to Father William Cummings. … With the pending surrender of allied forces to the Japanese, Cummings uttered the famous phrase “There is no such thing as an atheist in a fox hole.” … Everyone expresses some form of faith every day, whether it is religious or secular. Some express faith by believing when they get up in the morning they will arrive at work in one piece, thankful they have been given another opportunity to enjoy the majesty of the day; or express relief the doctor’s results were negative. While I have no issue with Reyes trying to find the origins of that phrase, the fact is: that statement is just untrue. And to perpetuate it by saying everyone has faith in something just reinforces a harmful myth. Of course there are atheists in foxholes, and when they’re under attack in a war, they don’t start looking to God for help. To argue otherwise, or to redefine “faith” to mean faith in yourself or fellow soldiers, is disingenuous. I don’t think Reyes intentionally set out to denigrate atheists, but that’s what he ended up doing. [Click headline for more…] Read more

July 26, 2013
The TAM 2013 Interviews Episode 1: Sanal Edamaruku
July 26, 2013
When Reading This Book, Start at the End
July 26, 2013
Forget Purity; Here’s What You Should Really Teach Your Daughters About Sex

Houston Press blogger Jef With One F is sick of all the modesty/abstinence-only/purity culture stuff he keeps reading about and he’s come up with a fantastic list of ten things he plans to tell his daughter about sex (when she’s old enough to handle it): I’m not looking forward to it, to tell the truth, but if the alternative is fetishizing chastity while giving Oedipus a handie then by God I’m going in full guns blazing. … 10. That sex is beautiful and fun as hell, but so is driving a car and a bunch of other things that come with responsibilities. You need to ask yourself if you can handle those. I knew I couldn’t be trusted with a car at 16, so I didn’t ask for one. Same with sex. I waited until I knew I was with someone that wouldn’t use me wrong and knew what they were doing. You shouldn’t be afraid of it, but you should respect its possible consequences, such a pregnancy, disease, and just the general mess that sometimes come from sleeping with someone you shouldn’t have. … 6. You cannot be “ruined,” by an act. You can only be ruined if you let shame and self-loathing consume you, and even then there is always a path back into the light. This goes double for someone trying to convince you sex is evil. That person was either hurt badly or seriously misled. [Click headline for more…] Read more

July 26, 2013
Alabama Public School District Plans ‘Prayer Caravan’ to Bless Schools for the Upcoming Year
July 26, 2013
Accused Attempted Murderer Files Lawsuit Over ‘In God We Trust’ Signs on Anderson County Courthouse
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