July 30, 2013
What Would You Say to Your Former Religious Self?
July 29, 2013
Did FOX News Really Criticize a Non-Christian for Writing About Christianity…?
July 29, 2013
Atheist Opens Up About Getting Sexually Assaulted at Conference
July 29, 2013
For a Limited Time, My Book <em>The Young Atheist’s Survival Guide</em> is Only $0.99
July 29, 2013
Before You Sympathize with Reza Aslan, Remember What He Said About the ‘New Atheists’

By now, you’ve probably seen the cringe-worthy interview of religious scholar Reza Aslan by FOX News Channel host Lauren Green. If you haven’t seen it… you need to because of how bad it gets: The entire interview revolves around the questions of whether a Muslim scholar can really write a historical book about Jesus… because surely he has some anti-Christian bias (implies Green). Anyway, it’s hard not to feel sympathy toward Aslan for having to go through all that. (BuzzFeed also points out that Green once interviewed a Christian scholar who wrote about Islam and never once questioned his potential bias.) Before atheists jump onto the Aslan bus, though, I just wanted to remind everyone of his 2010 article railing against the “Evangelical atheists”: [Click headline for more…] Read more

July 29, 2013
This Guy’s Mad That Atheists on Twitter Tweet About Atheism
July 29, 2013
When Home-Schooling Goes Horribly Wrong…

Susan Svrluga of the Washington Post has an incredible story of a Christian home-schooling family where the parents don’t want to send their children to the local public school, and the children, knowing they’re not getting a good education, are fighting back: [Son] Josh Powell wanted to go to school so badly that he pleaded with local officials to let him enroll. He didn’t know exactly what students were learning at Buckingham County High School, in rural central Virginia, but he had the sense that he was missing something fundamental. By the time he was 16, he had never written an essay. He didn’t know South Africa was a country. He couldn’t solve basic algebra problems. The article raises the question of what requirements must be in place when it comes to home-schooling. In Virginia, where this story takes place, there is no oversight whatsoever. If parents claim a religious exemption from public education, the state government doesn’t do anything to check in on them and make sure they’re doing a decent job. [Click headline for more…] Read more

July 29, 2013
Christian Author Tony Anthony Gets Caught Lying About His Life Story

Tony Anthony is the author of the bestselling, decade-old, freakishly-long-titled book Taming the Tiger from the Depths of Hell to the Heights of Glory: The Remarkable True Story of a Kung Fu World Champion. It a story about how Tony became a killer, went to prison, found Jesus, and soon became a free man in more ways than one: Anthony was a popular speaker on the Christian circuit, where his compelling story resonated with audiences: “In the line of duty as a bodyguard, I killed people,” Anthony would tell church audiences. “I have broken more arms and legs than I care to remember.” Later he recounted how he found God while in prison in Nicosia after being convicted of theft. The book was a phenomenon. It was translated into 25 languages and won the Christian Booksellers’ Convention Award in 2005. You can guess where this story is going… [Click headline for more…] Read more

July 29, 2013
This is What Happened When He Hid the Truth from His Church
July 28, 2013
Last Call for Atheist Alliance of America National Convention Tickets
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