August 1, 2013
I Love This Trailer for the Freethought Florida 2013 Conference
August 1, 2013
Christian Show Host: Atheist Chaplains Would Just Tell Wounded Soldiers To Kill Themselves
August 1, 2013
Indiana Judge Nixes Six-Feet-Tall Public Crosses in Evansville, but May Have Left the Door Open for Smaller Ones

You may recall that almost six weeks ago, the city of Evansville, Indiana approved the temporary public display of 31 eight-feet-tall plastic crosses along the public riverfront, spread out over a four-block area. The church that wanted to erect the Christian symbols stressed that they’re (supposedly) not intended to promote religion; instead, the crosses were to be interpreted as an “art display,” because Bible-camp kids would decorate them. The children will have to find other things on which to unleash their creativity. That’s because District Court judge Sarah Evans Barker ruled yesterday, just five days before the exhibit was to open, that the crosses would be a violation of the Establishment Clause. Barker’s decision (embedded below) was the outcome of a suit filed by local plaintiffs Chris Cabral and Nancy Tarsitano, who found the ACLU on their side. [Click headline for more…] Read more

August 1, 2013
HuffPost Live Hosts Discussion About Black Atheists
July 31, 2013
He Engraved a Portrait of Isaac Asimov on Black Granite
July 31, 2013
Well, That’s One Reason Millennials No Longer Attend Church
July 31, 2013
Good Thing I’m Not a Gemini
July 31, 2013
Catholic Leaders: The Pope Still Thinks Sexually-Active Gay People Are Going to Hell
July 31, 2013
Cullman County School District in Alabama Is the Site of Even More Violations of Church/State Separation

Just the other day, I posted about a “prayer caravan” organized by Cullman County Schools (Alabama) Superintendent Billy Coleman. The idea was that he would lead a group of people to all the schools in the district and pray… becauseI guess that raises test scores in Alabama or something. They’ve been doing this for a few years running. We also learned from the Freedom From Religion Foundation (PDF) that the caravan wasn’t the school’s only violation of the law: We were also informed that schools in the Cullman County system recite the Lord’s Prayer over the loudspeaker each morning. We understand that an attempt to mask this illegal practice is made by giving students “the option” to participate. So why bring this all up again? Because FFRF has learned that they’ve only hit the tip of the iceberg when it comes to violations of church/state separation in the district: [Click headline for more…] Read more

July 31, 2013
A Facebook Protest Against Ramadan Fasting in Tunisia

During Ramadan, Muslims are not supposed to eat or drink from dawn to sunset (with some exceptions). In Tunisia, the laws don’t prohibit eating during the day, though some restaurants are closed during normal business hours because of the religious holiday. Adel Almi is a Tunisian preacher who runs the “Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice,” and he has threatened to photograph and publicly shame anyone who eats during the daytime. Ditto with anyone who goes to the beach, which he says is also forbidden. He’s even gone to the Tunisian Interior Minister, asking him to enforce penalties in the case of any fasting violations. Given the religious extremism some people hold, you wouldn’t want to be “caught in the act,” or else you might face some really awful consequences… But here’s the amazing part: There’s a Facebook campaign called “Photos Taken During The Ramadan Chmeta Fi Adel Almi” and it’s a collection of people postings images of them at the beach and/or eating out! Here’s the report from the Middle East Media Research Institute: [Click headline for more…] Read more

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