August 11, 2013
CNN Interview Postponed
August 10, 2013
Due to (Paranoid) Religious Concerns, Christian Family Sails Out of America… and Gets Stranded

Not long ago, Hannah Gastonguay and her husband Sean concluded, for no rational reason, that the government was interfering too much in their religious life. They didn’t want to pay “taxes that pay for abortions we don’t agree with”… which doesn’t actually happen, unless you’re deluded enough to think that contraception amounts to infanticide. They also didn’t believe in “homosexuality… in the state-controlled church,” a statement that makes no sense no matter how you slice it, since homosexuals exist whether you want them to or not, and no church in the country has been forced to welcome them or honor their relationships. Also: state-controlled church? Who knew. So, a few months ago, the Gastonguays decided to make a break for it. They scooped up their kids, Rahab and Ardith, along with Sean’s father, and they set sail — literally — from San Diego to go to the island of Kiribati: [Click headline for more…] Read more

August 10, 2013
Edward Tarte Discusses His Relationship with a Devout Catholic Family
August 10, 2013
I’m Scheduled to Appear on CNN Tomorrow Morning
August 10, 2013
Muslim Who Helped Stir Unrest Over Danish Muhammad Cartoons Finally Apologizes

In September of 2005, the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten published a series of “blasphemous” cartoons (including the one below) featuring the Islamic prophet Muhammad: You remember what happened (months) after that. Mass chaos. Violent demonstrations. Death threats against the artists. Death, period. Ahmed Akkari, 28 at the time, was one of the leaders of that reactionary movement. A New York Times article from 2006 talked about his role in the protests: Ahmed Akkari, 28, a Lebanese-born Dane, acts as spokesman for the European Committee for Honoring the Prophet, an umbrella group of 27 Danish Muslim organizations to press the Danish government into action over the cartoons. … “Then the case moved to a new stage,” Mr. Akkari recalled. “We decided then that to be heard, it must come from influential people in the Muslim world.” Not long after his group went to the Muslim leaders, the riots began. Akkari is 35 now and, in a really amazing twist, he regrets his role in creating this shitstorm: [Click headline for more…] Read more

August 10, 2013
Ladies, He’s Single! New York Doctor Offers Surgery for Dates With Young, Thin, Ivy-League, Christian Women
August 10, 2013
Did a ‘Mystery Priest’ Really Save the Life of Katie Lentz?

This is really an incredible story… with two distinct interpretations of what went down. The first narrative that’s getting passed around is this one: 19-year-old Katie Lentz was driving in her convertible recently when a drunk driver crashed into her. As she got ever-so-close to dying, with the firefighters’ equipment failing, a mysterious man dressed as a Catholic priest randomly appeared, prayed, used some anointing oil, and left before anyone could get his name. (Stranger still was the fact that a perimeter had been created around the crash site to block out random people… which the mystery man got past.) All of a sudden, new equipment arrived from a nearby fire department and Lentz, still alive, was taken to a local hospital where she’s currently in critical condition. “I think that this time I’ve actually witnessed a guardian angel at work,” Jeremiah See of the New London Fire Department told ABC News. … “Whether it was just a priest as an angel, or an actual angel coming down,” Lentz’s friend Travis Wiseman said, “he was an angel to everyone and to Katie.” Amazing, right? [Click headline for more…] Read more

August 10, 2013
That’s the Virgin Mary? Christians Must Be Getting Desperate…
August 10, 2013
Should Low-Income Public Schools Accept Help from Non-Evangelizing Evangelicals?
August 10, 2013
Thanks for Helping Mississippi Families ‘Beat the Heat’!
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