August 15, 2013
New Website Documents Anti-Atheist Discrimination Worldwide
August 15, 2013
Penn Jillette Really Loves Books About Atheism…
August 15, 2013
Christian Pastor: ‘The Book of Mormon’s Written by Satan’
August 15, 2013
When the Golden Rule Goes Wrong
August 15, 2013
Foreskin for the Win
August 15, 2013
Pseudo-Historian David Barton: ‘Atheists Get Angry Because They Do Know That God Exists’

Right Wing Watch’s Kyle Mantyla reports on a conversation Ray Comfort had on pseudo-historian David Barton’s radio show … in which Barton claims “atheists get angry because they do know that God exists” and wonders why atheists get upset when evolution is challenged since he never gets upset when people claim Bigfoot is real: You challenge what they believe about evolution and they get angry. And you ask them questions they can’t answer about their own belief, they get angry. And I was thinking too, you know, they do that in so many areas, including faith areas. … Why is it that atheists get mad? If they don’t believe in God, then why do they care if we do. And yet they go out there, working so hard and they’re so angry to shut down every expression. There’s groups that I don’t agree with and I don’t believe with, but I’m not angry at them and I’m not looking to shut down their existence. [Click headline for more…] Read more

August 15, 2013
Did School Prayer Just Become a Reality in a Louisiana School District? One Blogger Got to the Bottom of the Story
August 15, 2013
Gay Rights Activists in Iceland Have Found the Perfect Way to Protest Evangelist Franklin Graham’s Festival

Franklin Graham, the son of Reverend Billy Graham, has done everything in his power to tarnish his father’s legacy by associating his family’s name with homophobia. Last year, he used his dad’s image and name to urge North Carolinians to vote against same-sex marriage. Earlier this year, he told an interviewer that “there’s no way you can have a family with two females or two males”: When the Supreme Court ruled in favor of gay rights recently, Graham expressed his disappointment about that, too: It was God who created and defined marriage, and any person or institution that attempts to redefine it is ultimately challenging Him. So what do you do when he plans a huge festival in your city? Well, a group of pro-LGBT-rights protesters in Reykjavik, Iceland — where gay marriage has been legal for a few years now — have come up with a brilliant way to fight back against his event there next month: [Click headline for more…] Read more

August 15, 2013
Are Atheists Liberal or Conservative?
August 15, 2013
Don’t Believe the New Study About Irish College Students’ Attitudes About Religion… Yet

In Ireland, where atheism is already on the rise as are godless funerals, a new study — being touted on multiple websites and by Richard Dawkins — seems to show that the percentage of young Irish atheists is pretty high, too: A student survey has uncovered some very interesting statistics regarding Irish students and their changing attitudes towards religion. … Shockingly, while less than 60% of respondents considered themselves Catholic; the second group to top the scale were Atheists at 20%. That’s not the only shocker: Only a third of Irish Catholic students said they believe communion wafers are the physical body of Christ. Which I thought was one of the items on the Catholic Checklist. And there’s this: According to the survey, students regard ‘looking good’ (5th) as being more important than ‘religious beliefs’ (6th), with friends and family topping the list of importance. Lots of interesting stuff. But I’m not accepting any of it yet. Neither should you. [Click headline for more…] Read more

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