October 20, 2013
Seth Andrews Interviews Richard Dawkins (Video)
October 20, 2013
Goldfish Crackers Aimed Straight at the Atheist Market
October 20, 2013
Responding to William Lane Craig’s Metaphysical Cherry-Picking
October 20, 2013
De-Baptisms in Brazil to Protest Government Spending for the Pope’s Recent Visit
October 20, 2013
After Christian Loses to Atheist in a Debate, the Church That Sponsored the Event Won’t Release the Video

This is a guest post by Richard Wilson. Rich is a human being who tries and feels he mostly succeeds in living a moral life without help from any gods. … Last Saturday, October 12, I attended “The Great Debate,” an event hosted by Adventure Christian Church (a mega-church in Roseville, California) and sponsored by William Jessup University. The question at hand was: “What provides a better foundation for civil society: Christianity or Secular Humanism?” Arguing for Christianity was Dr. David Marshall, founder of the Kuai Mu Institute for Christianity and World Cultures. Arguing for Secular Humanism was Dr. Phil Zuckerman, Professor of Sociology at Pitzer College and author of numerous books on secularism. Since the debate was being professionally recorded, I assumed it would be made available online (or at least for purchase), and I intended to simply add a few comments of my own if Hemant blogged about it. So I kept watching the church’s Vimeo site for the upload… and it never went up. Instead, three “rebuttal” videos were posted, responding to arguments made during the course of the debate, but the full debate is still nowhere to be found. Furthermore, those three videos featured pastors from the church, not even Marshall himself. Read more

October 20, 2013
Sanal Edamaruku Debunks the Tricks of Indian Gurus
October 19, 2013
A Blogging Network for Ex-Muslims
October 19, 2013
Look at These Felt-Tip Pens, Now Back to Me…
October 19, 2013
School Board Says Prayer is Allowed at Parent-Teacher Meetings… if Teachers Are Banned From Group Leadership
October 19, 2013
Does Barney Frank Really Deserve to Be ‘Humanist of the Year’?

The American Humanist Association announced last night that former Congressman Barney Frank would receive its 2014 “Humanist of the Year” award: … In 1987, Frank became the first member of Congress to voluntarily come out as openly gay, and in 2012 he married his longtime partner, becoming the nation’s first congressman in a same-sex marriage while in office. After sixteen terms in Congress, Frank’s legacy as a champion of civil rights and financial reform, as well as his ability to simplify any issue at hand in a clever and witty way, will be sorely missed. What the description notably leaves out — even though it’s probably why Frank was chosen to receive this award at all — was that he came out as an atheist this past August. The way in which he did it, though, makes me wonder whether he truly deserves this particular honor. Read more

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