Hemant Mehta is the founder and editor of FriendlyAtheist.com, a YouTube creator, and podcast co-host. He is a former National Board Certified math teacher in the suburbs of Chicago. He has appeared on CNN and FOX News and served on the board of directors for Foundation Beyond Belief and the Secular Student Alliance. He has written multiple books, including I Sold My Soul on eBay and The Young Atheist's Survival Guide. He also edited the book Queer Disbelief.
Living Waters Ministry (the one run by Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron) is notorious for promoting something called the “Good Person test.” Basically, they get you to confess that you’ve lied or stolen something or lusted in the past… and they tell you that you’re a bad person, destined for hell unless you accept Jesus. Anyway, Truth-Saves.com made a shorter, better, Humanist version of the tract that gets right to the point: Much better. Now go spread the Gospel! Read more
You all know atheists have been putting up a lot of billboards lately. What do you do if you led a church and you thought those ads sent an awful message? (What? Atheists think they’re good without god? Never!) Well, the absolutely worst thing you could do is try to “fight back.” If you put up your own billboard in response, or complain about the atheists’ message to the media, you’re playing right into our hands. We get more media… Read more
Earlier tonight, I participated in a discussion at a website called RaftUps. The moderator Tom Diffenbach asked questions, I answered them, and guests were able to have a conversation (and ask their own questions) via a chatroom. I’ve never done an interview like that before; it was a pretty cool experience with a lot of interaction — we might even try it again soon. If you’d like to see how it went, the link to the “video” of the class… Read more
Reader Matthew points out that iTunes is currently selling Ben Stein’s anti-evolution propaganda movie Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed for $4.99 as part of its “Back-to-School” sale… … and they’ve categorized it under Comedy 🙂 Well, I suppose it is a mindless film that had a lot of people laughing afterwards… Read more
The Utah Coalition of Reason just put up a billboard in Salt Lake City, and despite its harmless message, it’s almost certainly going to generate controversy: … These words appear on a prominent billboard in Salt Lake City on the north side of Highway 201, a half mile west of Exit 11/Highway 172. Visible to westbound traffic and on the right-hand side of the road, it faces east. It will remain up through the run of the Utah State Fair…. Read more