Hemant Mehta is the founder and editor of FriendlyAtheist.com, a YouTube creator, and podcast co-host. He is a former National Board Certified math teacher in the suburbs of Chicago. He has appeared on CNN and FOX News and served on the board of directors for Foundation Beyond Belief and the Secular Student Alliance. He has written multiple books, including I Sold My Soul on eBay and The Young Atheist's Survival Guide. He also edited the book Queer Disbelief.
Why should you take part in (or at least acknowledge) International Blasphemy Rights Day tomorrow? The members of the University of Northern Iowa Freethinkers and Inquirers (UNIFI) made this awesome video with their answers: As the saying goes, blasphemy is a victimless crime. So take the time to appreciate your free speech rights on Friday. (via UNIFI) ***Update***: This is what they’re doing at the University of Illinois: Illini Secular Student Alliance members will be inviting passersby to add their… Read more
At Kwik Kar Lube & Service in Plano, Texas, owner Charlie Whittington has a deal for you: Recite John 3:16 and he’ll give you a discount on an oil change. Don’t want to recite it? Well, screw you. Resident Marshall Wei, who had been to the Kwik Kar on Custer Road in Plano before, was happy to find the coupon hanging on his door last week. Above the promised $19.99 price though, the coupon says customers must quote the New… Read more
When you call yourself a Minister, you can get away with almost anything… unless your victims speak up. That’s what Linda Erickson is doing in Illinois. She is coming forward with news that Philip Livingston, who “broke away from South Barrington-based Willow Creek Community Church to start his own Life of the World Ministries” held improper “religious therapy sessions” that involved her having to get naked to receive healing: Livingston would hold “light therapy” sessions where he and other church… Read more
I’ll be speaking at the University of South Carolina (in Columbia) on Sunday night, October 9th! (When you’re a teacher in the middle of the school year, this is how you make the most of your long weekends.) And the topic is… not atheism! Nope. We’re gonna talk about math. (Don’t run away! I promise it’ll be interesting.) Believe it or not, there’s a connection between the two worlds. Hemant Mehta… will be visiting USC and giving an excellent talk… Read more
I’ve known Dale McGowan for several years now — long before we began working on his vision for Foundation Beyond Belief. He’s always been the nicest guy in the room as well as the perfect atheist ambassador to religious groups. If you’ve ever been to one of his parenting workshops, you know all of this. But I *love* the somewhat snarky way he dealt with two Jehovah’s Witnesses who recently showed up at his door. You can read the whole… Read more