As a lover of science and reason, Ericka M. Johnson has an affinity for evolutionary biology and is the president of Seattle Atheists. She revels in any opportunity for a thoughtful debate on the meaning of life, the universe, and everything (especially over a pint.) Follow her on twitter @ErickaMJohnson
If you live in the Seattle area, check out the list of science/nerdy/geeky awesomeness at this weekend’s GeekGirlCon. Saturday & Sunday offer a long list of amazing panels including: How to Do Your Own Kickstarter Making Science Fun (with NASA)! Tug of War: The Story of Science and Engineering Finding a Happy Medium Sporty Geek: How Roller Derby and Quidditch Are Changing the Game for Women Self-Driving Cars Really Make Your Own Videoblog: Hands-On Workshop Tech Jobs You Never Knew… Read more
I wish I’d watched Cristina Rad’s video Raping Islam before posting about how little attention atheists direct towards Islam. (My only defense is that there’s so much amazing content out there, and so little time!) In the comments of my previous post, many mentioned their fears of being lumped in with the extremist bigots who hate Muslims because they’re dark-skinned fer’ners or that we’ll inadvertently lend credence to what they’re saying. But if we don’t speak up for fear of being associated… Read more
Those crazy awesome folks at Ask An Atheist are devoting themselves to a 24-hour video blogathon starting today at 12:00p (PST) and running into Saturday. All proceeds will go to Washington United for Marriage, the organization working to fight for marriage equality in Washington State. And that battle is going to be an expensive one! The National Organization for Marriage’s executive director Christopher Plante predicts each side will be spending millions on this campaign. That’s why this and every other… Read more
It has been refreshing to see more and more Christians coming out in support of marriage equality and stepping away from homophobic beliefs. And now Washington United for Marriage is using that fact to persuade even more Christians in Washington State to support marriage equality with this ad. As Dominic Holden of The Stranger puts it: This ad manages to hatch three birds with one egg. The first and most important aspect: It’s a narrative story. Polls show consistently that… Read more