VICE News Covers Sex Abuse at America’s Most Popular Christian Summer Camp November 25, 2021

VICE News Covers Sex Abuse at America’s Most Popular Christian Summer Camp

Earlier this year, the Missouri-based Kanakuk Kamps — arguably the most popular Christian summer camp organization in the country — made headlines after David French and Nancy French (both conservative Christians who have been more critical than most about the Trump-y direction so many of their former allies have taken) published a lengthy account of sexual abuse after speaking with a number of former campers and staffers.

In short, the camp’s former director Peter D. Newman had faced multiple allegations of sexual abuse, with victims as young as 10, and it was widely believed that other officials at Kanakuk knew about the problems involving Newman but did nothing to stop them.

Making matters worse, the camp settled a number of lawsuits with clauses that prevented the victims from telling their stories publicly. Which means there’s a serious lack of accountability. Many of the people who looked the other way when it came to the alleged abuse are still involved with the camp today.

Now VICE News has released a segment that includes a few of the victims — including those who have so far remained silent. Their stories are tragic — and they need to be heard:

The more you hear from the victims, and the more you hear dismissals from the Christians in charge, the more angry you’ll become. It’s incredible that this ministry hasn’t shut down yet. It’s even more amazing that parents still send their kids to this place. No amount of whitewashing the past can make up for the pain and trauma the camp’s leaders have caused.

(Image via Facebook. Portions of this article were published earlier)

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