MAGA Cultist Michael Flynn: In the United States, “We Have to Have One Religion” November 14, 2021

MAGA Cultist Michael Flynn: In the United States, “We Have to Have One Religion”

Last night, during an appearance at the right-wing, QAnon-loving, conspiracy-minded “ReAwaken America Tour,” convicted felon and former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn fantasized about living in a theocracy — before adding that his dream only made sense if the government promoted Christianity.

Because the “religious freedom” crowd and the “forced Christianity” crowd are often one and the same.

… [They’re] talking about the United States of America because when Matthew mentioned it in the Bible, he wasn’t talking about the physical ground he was on, he was talking about something in the distance.

So if we are gonna have one nation under God, which we must, we have to have one religion. One nation under God, and one religion under God. Right? All of us together.

Take that, Muslims, Jews, atheists, Hindus, and progressive Christians who clearly aren’t included in Flynn’s version of Christian Nationalism. These people aren’t even interested in “Judeo-Christianity” after using that terminology for decades — they’re fine with wiping away the first part of that phrase.

Imagine just for a moment if any prominent non-Christian in politics said anything like this. It would be condemned without hesitation across the political spectrum. But when Christians do it, it’s just a day that ends in Y. They get away with their insane rhetoric because the most prominent preachers in the country — people like Franklin Graham, for example, but also any number of megachurch leaders — don’t have the guts or decency to call it out.

No wonder Satanism is so damn appealing to people these days; look at the crazy alternative.

This is why decent Americans need to fight against Christian Nationalism and the theocrats in the Republican Party who continue promoting it.

At least the responses were worthwhile.

Even. Marianne. Williamson. Gets. It.

The question shouldn’t be why these nutcases are promoting theocracy. The question should be why so many other Christians with large platforms aren’t denouncing this immediately.

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