FL Pastor Who Spread COVID Conspiracies Currently in Hospital Battling COVID September 8, 2021

FL Pastor Who Spread COVID Conspiracies Currently in Hospital Battling COVID

Back in late May, Pastor Fred Lowry of Deltona Lakes Baptist Church in Florida delivered a (now-deleted) sermon promoting insane conspiracy theories about COVID.

“We did not have a pandemic, folks. We were lied to,” Lowry said.

To support the claim, Lowry gave outdated death tolls that have circulated in screenshots online, but have been repeatedly debunked.

He referred to Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, as “Dr. Falsey” — “I did not mispronounce that. That’s the way I wanted to say it.” — and labeled him a liar and pervert…

Lowry then launched into QAnon lies about a shadowy group trafficking children, organ-harvesting and extracting the chemical adrenochrome from their blood for its hallucinatory and anti-aging properties.

This is supposed to be rampant I hear in Hollywood and among the elite. I don’t know if it’s true, but where there’s smoke,” he left it to the audience to respond.

There were also lies about climate change, Jeffrey Epstein, and the vaccine.

It’s one thing for a pastor to tell obvious lies. People like that are a dime a dozen. But Lowry wasn’t just a pastor. He was also an elected official on the Volusia County Council and there was pressure for him to resign from that seat… which he didn’t.

But now it looks like he can’t even serve in that role because Lowry is struggling to cope with a disease he claimed didn’t even really exist a few months ago. The Christian liar has COVID.

Volusia County Councilman Fred Lowry is hospitalized with COVID-19, County Chair Jeff Brower announced Tuesday.

“He is in the hospital wrestling with COVID-19. It’s been about three weeks now,” Brower said as Tuesday’s council meeting kicked off with Lowry’s chair empty for the second week.

Why’s he in the hospital and not at home praying? Someone must have have very strong faith in God…

Anyway, no one should feel bad about a conspiracy-spewing, COVID-denying, Republican liar catching a virus that he spent the past year spreading. The community is better off when he’s not at meetings, and maybe his church can get someone who’s a decent human being leading their services each week. Lowry is likely taking up space at an overpacked hospital because he refused to do what everyone who actually understands COVID urged him to do for the past year. He’s quite literally still putting people at risk.

It doesn’t make you a bad person to not have any sympathy for a guy like this who spent his adult life hurting as many people as he could. If he survives this ordeal, and he sincerely acknowledges his role in perpetuating propaganda, then maybe we can root for his second act. Until then, there are better people who deserve your thoughts and support.

(via Joe. My. God. Screenshot via YouTube)

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