Woman Sues McDonald’s for Being So Good, It Made Her Break Her Fast During Lent August 8, 2021

Woman Sues McDonald’s for Being So Good, It Made Her Break Her Fast During Lent

Lawsuits don’t get more frivolous and doomed-to-fail as this.

According to Russian state media outlets — so take it with a grain of salt — Ksenia Ovchinnikova, an Orthodox Christian, is suing McDonald’s for being so damn tasty that she decided to break her fast during Lent. As the story goes, she saw an ad featuring the company’s cheeseburgers and chicken nuggets, and she got hungry, and bought them, and ate them, and this is all somehow McDonald’s fault.

“When I saw an advertising banner, I could not help myself. I visited McDonald’s and bought a cheeseburger,” she reportedly said in her statement.

Fox News reported that Ovchinnikov accused the fast-food chain of breaking consumer protection law and insulting her religious feelings. She is suing McDonald’s for $14 (1,000 rubles) as compensation for sustained moral damage.

There’s almost no chance this lawsuit will be successful, but it makes for one hell of a new ad campaign. McDonald’s: Food so delicious, you’ll risk eternal hellfire for it.

(Image via Shutterstock)

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