Christian Mom: We Must Cancel “Kevin Can F**k Himself” Because I Don’t Like It! July 15, 2021

Christian Mom: We Must Cancel “Kevin Can F**k Himself” Because I Don’t Like It!

Monica Cole, the one mom at One Million Moms (Twitter count: 4,143), isn’t even trying anymore. She’s trying to cancel a show that isn’t even made for kids, all because she’s not a fan and… that’s it. There’s no other reason.

The show in question is called “Kevin Can F**k Himself.” It’s a dark comedy airing on AMC that is part sitcom (with a stereotypically schlubby husband and a wife who appears to be way out of his league) and part drama (which focuses on the wife after the sitcom “cameras” turn off).

It’s also rated TV-MA, meaning it’s not for kids.

And Monica Cole’s problem with the show?

I don’t even think she has a clue. She just knows her job requires her to be constantly angry. Maybe the American Family Association has a hate-quota that all their Christian employees need to meet each month. Whatever the reason, she wants the show off the air.

It is almost impossible to describe the depth of depravity found in the new sitcom “Kevin Can F**k Himself.” It airs on AMC with a TV-MA rating. The name itself tells you how awful the show is and needs to be taken off the air.

This new program is horrendous! The commercials alone show a woman giving the viewers the middle finger with both hands. The language is terrible also. It is impossible to list every offense here.

This dark and twisted sitcom is in its first season and needs to be its last.

It’s not a “sitcom.” The name is tongue-in-cheek, riffing on shows like “Everybody Loves Raymond.” And — oh no — a woman is seen expressing negative emotions that we’ve all felt before.

What is the problem here?

Cole says she’s “can’t list every offense” but apparently she can’t list any offense. Why does a “moms” group care about a show on cable, meant for adults, anyway? And why do the conservatives who whine about “cancel culture” all the time never see the hypocrisy when they call for that exact thing?

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