More Christian Summer Camps Are Seeing Massive COVID Outbreaks July 14, 2021

More Christian Summer Camps Are Seeing Massive COVID Outbreaks

Oh look. Another Christian summer camp where vaccines weren’t required for attendees or staffers. Another huge COVID outbreak.

This time, it’s Camp Chautauqua in Miamisburg, Ohio, where more than 70 people have now tested positive for the virus.

The health department said contact tracing tasks are complex due to the number of attendees across states, and efforts to control the outbreak were setback because event organizers have not been fully cooperative.

“Since camp and event organizers failed to respond to Public Health for several days after the initial cases were recognized, and have not provided contact information for attendees, accordingly, Public Health is asking anyone who may have attended the event to contact Public Health or their local health department,” officials said in a statement.

The Christians at Engage Ministries, who were there the week in question, were irresponsible with their rules for the camp, and now, showing the world why they can’t be trusted, they’re refusing to help mitigate the problem they caused.

The camp’s director is only admitting to one COVID case. On Monday, President/CEO Jason Harmeyer said that one student was “quarantined off campus,” but there’s no mention of vaccines in that press release either. One women who claims her son attended the camp said on Facebook that she “was never contacted by anyone from the camp or the church to let me know” about the single COVID case which later spread to others.

Just utterly stupid of these Christians to host a large summer camp without making sure all adults were vaccinated and sensible restrictions were in place for the kids who can’t get vaccinated yet. How many people have to die before any of these leaders take the virus seriously enough to do the bare minimum? Hundreds of thousands of deaths in the U.S. isn’t enough, apparently.

I thought I was done with this post, but I got another email about a camp-related COVID outbreak and assumed it was referring to the one mentioned above. Nope!

There was a separate outbreak affecting at least 11 people at Blue Grass Christian Camp in Lexington, Kentucky:

We’ve obtained an email sent to parents from the camp that says this week’s camp session has been canceled after at least 11 people associated with the camp have tested positive for the virus.

According to the emails, a few members of last week’s camp session have since tested positive for the virus, which prompted the camp to test unvaccinated staff and volunteers. Those results came back Tuesday morning and multiple staff members tested positive.

The health department says there are more than the 11 cases they are reporting, but they don’t have exact totals because those patients live in other counties.

Once again, the story involves unvaccinated Christian adults who care so little about the children in their care they’re willing to spread a deadly virus that could have lifelong consequences for those kids. The adults here cannot be trusted. And the parents who foolishly allowed their kids to attend this camp deserve blame too. They allowed their faith or their ignorance to override their own children’s health.

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