In Uplifting Video, an Atheist Dying of ALS Talks About Living for the Moment June 24, 2021

In Uplifting Video, an Atheist Dying of ALS Talks About Living for the Moment

Dave Warnock spent nearly 40 years as a church leader and evangelical pastor. It wasn’t until a decade ago that he began exploring the possibility that this idea he had dedicated his life to might be wrong. But that’s what he concluded in 2011. He took that journey away from faith, through the term “agnostic,” all the way to atheist.

He says on his website that the decision to leave Christianity cost him his family. Two of his three children have effectively shunned him. His decades-long marriage ended. And separate from all that, he was diagnosed with ALS (a.k.a. “Lou Gehrig’s disease”).

That, however, has also given him a new purpose in life. Warnock now speaks openly about confronting death as an atheist.

In a video produced by Seth Andrews, Warnock discusses his “Dying Out Loud” philosophy.

I love the part where he speaks about using the quality of the time he has left and not worrying about the quantity. If any other parts of Warnock’s comments stand out to you, please leave the timestamps and summary below!

(via TheThinkingAtheist)

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